
Friday, July 26, 2013

All 1POL: Clarifications on the Paper

  1. You have your readings, use them as guide if not possible patterns.  Best sample for 1st paper is Franklin.
  2. Your task is to prove in your paper that: a) your topic is political and b) that the way you are going to study it is scientific.  Again consult Franklin, Goodin and Klingeman along with De Leon can help.
  3. Submision is this coming Tuesday, July 30, 2013.  Prepare well.
  4. Grading Rubric is: Format, Research, Content, Composition, Citation.
  5. Content will be given 10 pts though, 1 set of 5 for a) political argument, the other for b) scientific argument.
  6. You can comment queries, i'll answer as long as they are ones that have not been discussed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

File Names for Primogen of Sparta

Each folder must be labeled as:

Primogen (Section) (Group Name)

Each edited 8minute file is:

Primogen (Section) (Group Name) Edit

Each raw footage is:

Primogen (Section) (Group Name)