
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

4ASN - Newsletter

Since I've already approved your topics.  You will now group yourselves further into six (6) to eight (8) members.

Plan your data gathering for a simple article for a newsletter.

Each group should choose a name for the blog, which will be submitted along with member names on the comment box (deadline of Newsletter name and group members list is on April 3, 2017).

Each article should occupy one page of the newsletter.

The newsletter itself should have a visually appealing layout without sacrificing its academic flair and content.

As a sample here is a couple of newsletters from the previous batch:

The output will be graded both individually (70%) and as a group (30%),  and will also be presented (soft copy in pdf filenamed after the newsletter title) and defended before me by April 18, 2017.  Bring proofs of primary data on defense day.

Important things to consider.

Make sure that your thesis is at the heart of the article.

Use headings to divide introduction, discussion and conclusion (or name it differently if you want, based on content).  If headings are space consuming, use signposts appropriately (e.g.  "This author suggests / proposes / argues" (signpost for thesis), "In conclusion.").  Make sure your paragraph's ideas flow and are clear and direct.

Use proofs, pictures, and quotes.


Grading rubrics appears below (download it individually on defense day).

Attendance: Write your name below (surname, first name) at the comment box.  Those with questions, please do, post it at the comments and I'll give the answer so that we can have a forum here.  Questions will actually impress me.

One member will eventually submit the newsletter name and title on the comment box of this post.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

5MUS: ETAR Online Outcomes Activity (March 26, 2017)

For this week, the Outcomes Task is to produce an 8-10 minute skit. based on Market Structres.

By definition, the Market is the "space"where exchange of goods and services are conducted between producers/sellers and consumers/buyers.  It can be the wet market, the grocery, the sari-sari store, a stall by the street, or even Facebook and other areas of cyberspace.

These markets are structured and named basically from the number of sellers in a particular market.
Monopoly has only one seller, the rest have more than one.  The products whether goods or services also influence the number of sellers. Here products are classified as homogenous/undifferentiated (all sellers sell the same thing - usually unbranded), or heterogenous/differentiated (sellers sell differntiated products),  In a monopoly there's only one product.  In a pure competition, there's more than one or sometimes a lot of sellers, and they're selling almost the same thing, example is Tutuban tiangge of clothes.

Markets are further differentiated by how easily a new seller can enter that market to be a participant. For example monopoly is very difficult to enter, most of the time, it is actually impossible to enter that market and compete with the present monopolist.  The structure also creates effects on the price.

Your task is to analyze (based from the textbook: Chapter on Market Structure) the differences in each based on the four characteristics 1) number of sellers, 2) easy or difficulty for new seller to enter, 3) classification of product (homo or hetero), 4) effect of the structure to price.

Then produce an 8-10 minute skit showing all 4 structures.  Grades will be based on the rubric below.

Presentation will be on April 3, 2017 (Monday). Download and print the rubric for grading on presentation day, write member names at the back.

Each student should sign up at the comments section with your google account, write your name (surname, first name) to confirm understanding of the task, otherwise, post questions on the comment box, i'll reply with the answer so that we have a forum. Considered as attendance.

Each group should post their list of names on the comment box by March 29, 2017 (Wednesday). Considered as attendance.

Each group should write a brief decription of the skit in an MS Word file, and email it to on Friday (March 31, 2017).  Considered as attendance.

UPDATE:  Groups can only have 7-8 members.