- Do notes for Swingewood A Short History of Sociological Thought CONTINUING
- Read and write response for Aram Hur - Naratives of Civic Duty DONE
- Read and do notes for David Grusky Social Stratification DONE
- Read and do notes for Hsiao - East Asian Middle Classes DONE
- Read and do notes for Leach - Political Systems of Highland Burma DONE
- Read and do notes for Castells - The Rise of the Network Society DONE
- Read and do notes for Harvey - The Condition of Post Modernity DONE
- Read Swidler - Culture in Action DONE
- Attend to internationalization duties (including NCCU-UST Forum).
- Attend to A Different View.
- Rewatch old BLs related to study.
Objectives for next week:
- Do notes for Swingewood A Short History of Sociological Thought
- Read and write response for Su - Collective Killings in Rural China
- Read Owens, Su, and Snow - Social scientific inquiry into genocide and mass killing: From unitary outcome to complex processes
- Read and do notes for Archer - Culture and Agency
- Read and do notes for Griswold A Methodological Approach for the Sociology of Culture
- Attend to internationalization duties (including NCCU-UST Forum).
- Attend to A Different View.
- Rewatch old BLs related to study.