
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Prelim Martial Law Declaration

Prelims of classes under my instruction will be administered on September 9, 2014 and September 12, 2014.  Each section's schedule will be finalized on Monday and Tuesday (September 1 and 2, 2014).  Here are general policies for all classes concerned:

  • Be on time.  Late students will be given 10 point deduction.
  • Most of you by now have already taken a quiz under me.  You were told that there is suspension of due process for people attempting to cheat.  In two separate sections, there were students who still attempted to do such.  This means that during prelims, to violate the anti-cheating instructions will merit deductions if not outright failure for said exam.
  • All concerns must be addressed to the professor.  These include questions of inquiry and technical concerns.  Logically, seatmates are not to be asked.  To ask seatmates for any reason constitutes cheating under Prelim Martial Law policy.
  • All students of the section must already be in line by the e-leap room at the 2nd floor of St. Raymund building by the appointed time.  Students not in line by then are considered late.  Students not in proper place will receive the same penalty.
  • Since the exam is an eleap exam, students will come in to the eleap room without causing unnecessary conversational noise. Every instance will merit the ENTIRE CLASS TO GET 2 PTS DEDUCTION for every instance of a need for reprimand.
  • Upon entering the eleap room, open the computer and log-in to eleap.  Observe technical problems and wait to be entertained by the professor.
  • As practiced during the quizzes, each row will be asked for technical problems before the exam commences.  Those with technical problems will be transferred to a different computer. 
  • During the exam, students are to focus only on their exam as displayed on the monitor and not entertain the students in their immediate surroundings.  There are many ways to rest your eyes without having to look at your neighbors, such as closing your eyes or looking up (which actually relieves tension). Violation constitutes an attempt to cheat.

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