
Monday, June 15, 2015

V for Vendatta: Multimedia Viewing Evaluation

Provide an argumentative essay showing your stand on the topic below.  Essay will be graded on how you were able to prove your stand, bot just how you stated your argument.  Hence follow the sequence within the paragraph:  a) declare your argument in a clear and direct sentence.  b) follow with proofs.  Proofs should come from both the film and real life politics.  Choose only one topic.

  • V was right in using violence to change the government.
  • Placing all power in a single political party to govern is best for the state.
  • Government's should fear their people.
  • People should fear their government.
Grades is based on rubric below.  Note that Use of Proofs will be x2, totaling 12 pts for this activity.


  1. Tiongson, Jeremy
    Excuse me, Sir. Where will we be posting the answer?

  2. For me the idea of giving power to only one party to govern the state is preposterous. Like in the film the state is only govern by the Fingerman and people doesn’t know what this party is really doing. That is why V awakened the people on November 5 to show that the government is being run in the wrong way. He showed that every news that happened was a big lie by the media, because the government ordered them to do so. That is the same what happened here in the Philippines that ex-President Marcos would like to rule the country for a long time, people would not like that, and that’s why the countrymen omitted the first People Power Revolution. And like in the movies there is also under the table organization as we may say for even Marcos’s cabinet there was still betrayal.

  3. Villanueva, Maria
    PGC-2 (11-1pm)

    ''People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people."

    In the movie V for Vendetta, the protagonist V said these words to his fellowmen who are currently living “peacefully” as he demanded that there is something wrong with the current government. V also claimed that they “appreciate these comforts of their everyday routine” and that it covers up what their real government is up to. The people residing in England currently have good lives indeed but they could see something’s wrong especially with the use of the country’s prime entertainment, the media, as an example. Yes, the officials are giving people the latest news and information but they knew those were not true, that those are make-believes. The government force the people to believe these make-believes and use fear, using finger men, to force them to be obedient.

    The people voted for Adam Sutler as their leader, by using their rights, because he promised them peace and order, which is the natural power of a government, because the people are afraid of the current situations and disasters that their country is currently facing. This fear now leads to Sutler to rise into power, but his own fear that the people might revolt against him make him use force to whomever might go against his will and even use the military to create this fearsome image. During Marcos’ regime, the Armed forces of the Philippines holds this image and as the rumors say, they are responsible for the killings and disappearance of some Filipino citizens. It violates a person’s human rights. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.

    ''People should not be afraid of their governments”, in this text we can conclude that the setting is within a State just like the Philippines. The elements of a state includes the: People, Territory, Government and Sovereignty. Here in the country, Article 2 Section 1 states that Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them. This particular law gives the people the right to freedom of voicing out their opinions and suggestions to the government. That is the power of the people living in the territory. “Governments should be afraid of their people." in Article 2 Section 4 states that the prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. Sutler’s rule did serve and protect the people, but in a tyrannical way which led to revolt.

    I personally believe that both sides are wrong. The people do have the power and authority but it is the government that governs and distributes these power. Without people there will be no government as the government will have none to govern to. A state cannot exist without government but is possible to have a government without a state. Then again, a state will only be a state if it only have the necessary four elements. None of them should be both afraid of one another, but rather respect and listen to each other as the people and the government makes up what a State is.

  4. Santos, Julie Ann S.

    It is but right for a government to fear its people. Governing people who have the capability to see past a "facade" being portrayed to them may give little to no chance for the government to manipulate them using the power that said leaders possess. A single individual may even be enough to generate fear towards the government, for it takes a single man to awaken a nation's sense of awareness towards their rights as individuals and towards the cruelties and/or failures committed by the government.

    In the movie, this was demonstrated by the character V, who tarnished the reputation of the government by making public its crimes such as causing the death of thousands, which awakened England towards the actual terrors being caused by its own government. It became more difficult for the government to control the people who are no longer unaware of its crimes. Since the people know what to fight for, they hold much strength over the government, which is proof of why a government must fear its people.

    Another form of proof dates back to the time of Dr. Jose Rizal, who started a revolution through his writings. This educated man, in ways, single-handedly revealed the unjust treatment of the Spanish priests and officials towards the Filipino people. It took one man to start what is known up to present time as one of the most significant periods in Philippine history. It took one man to awaken a nation's sense of nationalism and patriotism. Filipinos fought for their rights and rose to salvage their freedom.

    Both situations demonstrate the ability of a single individual to give reason for a government to fear its people. Both situations may have ended with the death of V and Dr. Rizal, however, it is important to note that ideas never die. These ideas may continue to be acted upon by the people whose awareness individuals have awakened. If one man is capable of generating fear within a government, what more should a whole nation?

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    As the title itself says “Vendetta”, I would say that V is right in using violence to change the government. In the movie, I can clearly see the dictatorship who is Chancellor Adam Sutler who wanted to gain power on his own will. He wanted to keep secret what happened to St. Mary’s but V who is a victim seek vengeance and wanted to make known to the people that they should not be afraid of the government. Through the hardship and effort of Inspector Finch he found out what V wanted to imply and in the end he realized that there is really a need to change their government especially the people behind all those chaos. In our present government there is not only one V, majority are victims but nobody wanted to play the role of V. One very good example is what happened in mamasapano or SAF44. All the families of the victims wanted justice but justice did not prevail and what happened there died a natural death. The people should be afraid of the government only because of the law but the government should be afraid of the people as well because the people have their own rights and privileges and because we are a free country we all have the rights to speak and show what we feel.

    In our present situation, I believe we need a person like V who can stand all the way from seeking vengeance to make changes and transformation. It doesn’t matter whether he/she uses violence or do it the nice way as long as our present form of government will change from the highest to the lowest form.

  8. Mercado, Charton S.

    I disagree on V’s use of violence to change the government. Violence should never be used against another form of violence because it will never bring peace and harmony in the society. For me, V’s act of killing is a result of his grudges against those who tortured him. It was more of an act of revenge rather than a message to change the government. Words alone can be powerful enough to urge the people to revolt against an abusive government. There was this scene in the movie wherein V hacked into the British television network in order to relay his message to the public. He was able to put an idea in the people’s minds that the government is full of anomalies and it does not provide the real freedom that they deserve through “speaking”.

    A perfect example for a nonviolent revolution which coincides with our political history is the EDSA people power revolution. The people didn’t have the need to use violence to bring down the Marcos regime but instead, they showed unity by gathering and being one in their protests and prayers. This act was also portrayed during the last parts of the movie wherein the people marched and gathered in front of the House of the Parliament wearing Guy Fawkes masks. Another concrete example of a nonviolent revolution was Dr. Jose Rizal’s way of showing the ill-treatments of the Spanish government through his writings. His writings served as eye-openers and were able to give rise to the nationalism and patriotism of many Filipinos during that time.

    Seeing the goodness in the previously mentioned revolutions, I strongly believe that violent measures are never needed to revolt against an unjust government. Persuasive words, ideas and proofs are strong enough to enlighten the people of the society. Unity of the people is the real key in achieving peace and freedom.

  9. Canlas, Maesue B.

    I believe that V’s use of violence is completely justified. I agree that there is really something wrong with the government and that it should be changed. In his speech in London, he said “…there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where you once had freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.” This seems to be true for the world of the movie. The film shows what happens to those that oppose the government or make fun of it on television.

    He said that “Violence can be used for good.” Through violence he hopes to help free the people from the oppressive government. Not only did he murder the powerful people, but also the police officers and the government employees which were all involved in some way with the conspired revolution. Without the use of violence, he wouldn’t have achieved the impact necessary for the people to join him in fighting their oppressors. Without many of the individuals killed, he wouldn’t have found any justification for the torture he received.

    One significant event in the Philippines that is similar to the movie is the Philippine Revolution. The movement had two goals. First was independence, which was frustrated by the Americans with their decision to continue administering the islands. The other was the goal of fundamental social change, which was shown in the nationalization of friar lands by the Malolos Republic but was also frustrated by the power and resilience of entrenched institutions. In any case, the bravery of the Filipinos to stand against their colonizers through violent means resulted in the proclamation of a republic in 1898. This also marked the Filipinos as the first Asians to throw off European colonial rule.

  10. Olivarez, Miguel Lorenzo O.
    I think V was right in his using of his violence. Because He was killing the corrupt Government I think he was challenging the government to change. It can be used for good but I didn’t see clearly that V used it for good. There is a big difference between V and Government, V is acting for the interest of the people unlike the government leaders used violence to enforce their rules. Or in simplest way V is using the violence for the people to benefit unlike the government they use violence to manipulate people. It was the same in Martial Law under the Marcos Administration, Marcos manipulated the people by imposing some laws that against them like the curfews, talking against Marcos will die, etc... And if you talk to somebody that against to Marcos that person will die. So the people revolted, This case of Revolution led Marcos’ departure and the restoration of the country’s democracy.

  11. De Leon, Miguel Jeremy O.

    Using violence was not necessary BUT in those kinds of situations violence as the only way to give people new hope and to start a new beginning and awaken the people to the "Bullocks" of their government. V is a terrorist. It's easy to gloss over at first. After all, Norsefire is the pseduo-Nazi regime oppressing people and forcing them to do what they wanted; the ones torturing and killing people they consider unfit or undesirable. V is the only person who dares take them on, to say that they're wrong, and to free an entire populace that has been enslaved. In the opening chapters of the book, there is an enjoyable irony felt when Norsefire calls V a terrorist. After all, V is the good guy. But V is a terrorist. He blows up populated buildings, undoubtedly killing dozens if not hundreds of civilians. He refuses to accept anyone else's point of view he fanatically believes his view is the only way to see things. He murders, not just cold-bloodedly, but also deliberately torturing people to insanity and death. He manipulates people to be his unwitting accomplices, regardless of their feelings. He tortures and brainwashes Evey until she sees his point of view. An example for this was when we were under the spanish regime for 333 years we were enslaved for so long and we had our own heroes who did it in their own and different ways like Dr, Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio etc.

  12. Tiongson, Jeremy
    The Government should fear their people. They are controlling them but do they know their strength? Their capacity to do their own freewill? Sure, the Government is said to "protect" the people of England. But who will they be protected if the protector itself is a threat? Just like what Adam Sutler (the antagonist and the ruler) does to his people, killing whenever necessary, or President Marcos on the Marshal Law, where death penalty is at hand.

    If the government should not fear the people, then what good will come to them? Things might as they say, backfire, in a situation. Be a corrupt leader, the people will start a revolution, just like the revolution of the people of London. People who want freedom and independence from the government, and make November the 5th a memorable day for everyone. Another revolution could be the People Power Revolution in the Philippines, wherein the people of the Philippines gathered together, made a rally to stop the madness of Martial Law, and put an end to this "protection".

    In the end, all it needs is balance. The government and the people should have balance between them. That's why "V" did something to stop the imbalance of Norsfire, and united the people of London to stop the corrupt leader.

  13. Bonalos, JC Mae

    The Government should fear the people

    The main purpose of the government is to provide protection to the society and its people; to make sure that justice would prevail, and to uplift the country’s economic situation for the people’s well-being. The people should not fear the government since they are the reason why it exists. According to John Locke’s Social Contract, people agreed to create a government to rule them and to protect their natural rights, the people consented to obey the laws created by the government. However, it doesn’t mean that the government has the right to dictate or to have absolute power over the people since it would deprive the people their freedom.
    In V for Vendetta, V mentioned that “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government; Government should be afraid of their people”. The government (Norsefire Party) depicted in the movie was that they ruled the country as a police state—wherein there are restrictions on their freedom; like how the media was controlled by the government (limited freedom of speech) , and curfews. One real event that can be used to relate to the government shown in V for Vendetta was Ferdinand Marcos’ military government in the Philippines. As mentioned before, the government has no right to have absolute power over the people since it would deprive the people their natural rights—and if they do use dictatorship, or any other way of running the country that would deprive the people of their freedom, there is always one person—or a group, that would be against their leadership—and this is the reason why the government should fear its people—they would do everything they can to overthrow the existing government to have a new one—to have a better government than the previous one. In the movie, V’s purpose was to awaken the public and urge them to fight back against the government’s control; aside from V, political activists—like Evey’s parents, participated in anti-government protests. Arab Spring, which was a series of demonstrations and protests, began and spread throughout the Arab world because of the people’s dissatisfaction with the way the local government rules the country, like dictatorship, human rights violations, and political corruption. With this, the people were able to overthrow their government—one event is that President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt resigned after 18 days of massive protests of the Egyptian people.

  14. Raqueno, Judy Ann Claire F.

    "Is violence appropriate for the transformation of the government?"

    The movie V for Vendetta tells the story of a fictional anarchist who seeks revenge for the victims of the government’s atrocities and his eagerness to right the wrong doings of the society. V is the male protagonist in the story who is known as an “enigmatic psychotic terrorist” and a freedom fighter who disguises himself with a cloak, hat, wig and a Guy Fawkes mask. V loves to speak in riddles, rhymes & literary quotations that is difficult for an individual to decipher what he means. In the scene where V delivers a speech for the society, he is now planting the seeds of rebellion in the minds of every individual. V is then directly speaking to the citizens, pleading them to become aware of the corruption of the government. He thought that he cannot do his plan alone so he needs the support of each individual to keep his guiding principles alive.
    V’s guiding principle is “you can’t kill an idea, because each of them represents a part of idea of freedom & self-expression”. The “idea” is the most important aspect in the film wherein it represents the reason why he was turned into a monster. The Guy Fawkes mask is the idea to show his intention to cover and protect his identity and to destroy the government. This method is an anonymous rebellion against injustice, against authority and against stereotypes. These rebellions can be seen in the scenes where V is a victim of illegal genetic test by the government, the chancellor is addressing the nations and people weren’t allowed to unmask work of art and also being homosexuals is considered a crime. These scenes in the film can be witnessed during People Power I wherein the Filipinos manifested an incredible way to voice out the power of nonviolence and the power of truth and love. Just like in the final scene in the film where the citizens gathered in front of the house of the parliament is the same like what happened during People Power I where nearly 2 million Filipinos had gathered in EDSA and used the “L sign” as a symbol which means LABAN party and the people’s opposition of the authoritarian government at the time of revolution.
    For me V’s actions are extremely brutal which can be observed in the scenes of V, Finch and Evey who had reached their epiphany after they had physical and psychological torture. This shows that enlightenment cannot come without pain. Then if change is mandatory then pain comes along with it. A good explanation of this is when you consider that “ends justify the means”. One of the moral lessons that I’ve learned in this movie is that even if we’re in the difficult time in our lives, we must not forget that everything that happens has a purpose which we can learn so many lessons that can be helpful for our personal development as a person.

  15. Conciso, Cyril S.

    The government should fear their people. Philippine government as a representative democracy is ruled by majority therefore we Filipinos, the citizens of this country own the government and should not be afraid of it, but, instead the other way around. Those official people such as the president, senators, mayors etc. are in power because we elected them and without our votes they wouldn’t have their positions right now. They are representatives that represent people’s wants. As what Article II Section 4 in the Philippine constitution states: “The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The Government may call upon the people to defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions provided by law, to render personal, military or civil service”. Hence, officials are only given the authority to lead and guide the country but not imposed fear to the people. The power given to them should be used to respect, assure the rights of the citizens and also to eliminate any threat or danger which includes-- FEAR.

    In the film V for Vendetta, the government was feared by the citizens. They became too dependent to their government that they did not realize that they are being manipulated and controlled. When V started the revolution and rouse the sleeping citizens, he became the trigger that made them realized that there is something wrong to their government that must be stop. They became aware and joined him to take what is rightfully theirs. They learned that they control the government and the power is in them, thus, government should fear their people.

    PGC-2 (11-1)

    The first and foremost duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. While in the movie, it is vaguely depicted that the government serves the people rather, controls them and deceive them to gain and retain its power.

    In the movie, the chancellor Adam Sutler was elected Prime Minister by promising to restore order to the country after terrorists supposedly killed 80,000 people with a self-ignited bioweapon that created a viral epidemic (it is later revealed that Norsefire had actually launched the attack). He then uses the supposed terrorist threat as a pretext for genocide, along with an ongoing propaganda campaign in the state-run media, to cow the public into silence and appoint himself High Chancellor, turning the country into a single-party state with himself as an autocrat.

    But then ofcourse, V, the protagonist, knew everything about the dirt of the government particularly the chancellor. He was the one who opened the minds of the citizens that there was something wrong with the government. V was eager to get justice so he killed these government officials.

    Therefore, I can say that people shouldn't fear the government simply because they have the power and that they have rights. The government exists FOR the people and not the people for the government (Article II, Section 4).

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  18. Dela Rosa, Angelo Steven

    The film sends a strong message to its viewers; A message that warns us of how apathy and idleness can allow a government to strip its people’s rights and freedom right out from under a person’s nose. Unless the people get the courage to speak out against its government and hold them accountable, nothing can ever stop the government from stripping them of their civil liberties. The main character in the film believes that the freedoms and liberties the government stands for have become meaningless words.

    “V for Vendetta” is originally a graphic novel by Alan Moore. It is depicted in a dystopian and futuristic England were an insurgent wearing a Guy Fawkes mask sets out to destroy a totalitarian party called Nosefire by convincing civilians to take a stand for their rights and rule themselves. Although some may tag him as a terrorist, V’s (the main character in the film) actions are solely for the purpose of battling the indifference of the public and aspiring them to rise up. He fights for the freedom that every person is granted; He opposes the tyrannical rule portrayed in the film and stands up for his beliefs. Most of all, he does not sit around waiting for someone out there to make a change and handle the problem, instead he takes matters into his own hands.

    The film carries out a message of political action. We, as a nation should unite and hold the government accountable for the recent current events our country is facing, namely: graft and corruption, poverty, social injustices, etc ; but most importantly, we must become politically active. If the public is more aware and less gullible, then we might just have politicians who are honest and worthy to hold a position in our government. The film relevant to us in a sense that our very own government, which is democratic, seems to rule over us rather than the people having power over our government. Let us not forget that in a democratic ruling, the government serves the people.

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  21. Pesca, Joyce

    According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights of UN, everyone has the right to life, liberty, security and to take part in the government of his country. With these rights, the government should be afraid of their people as V said in the movie. The citizens of a country can overthrow their government if they really want to, like how the people (in the movie) realized how “screwed up” their government is and became united then stood against the abusive administration. The people themselves put those in the government in their positions and the people have the power to remove them. An example of this event is the Egyptian Revolution in 2011 against their autocratic President Hosni Mubarak. The revolution was caused by police brutality, corruption, absence of freedom of speech and lack of free elections. These issues were also shown in the movie; the fingermen (police brutality), media manipulation (lack of freedom of speech) and the morally corrupt government. Similar to the movie, the Egyptian protesters overthrown the Mubarak government and I admire their non-violent revolution (civil disobedience). The persons that we elect to govern us should be the ones to protect us and not deprive us of what we supposed to have; safety, freedom and life.

  22. V was right in using violence to change the government.

    If the government's duty is to protect and serve the people, but failed to do so what then should be done? This is a question I have been pondering on. Yes, they say that violence is bad, that it is never the answer but what if evil means are the ONLY solution in that situation in ending evil? V once said violence may be used for good. Chancellor Sutler took control of Great Britain and anyone who opposes him will be tortured in cells for having a different stand. Sutler and Ferdinand Marcos were alike in a way that both are also dictators and people who failed to comply to their orders will be jailed, tortured or killed. Suppose Marcos ordered his loyal men to shoot hundreds or thousands that joined the Edsa revolution which let us say they did and lead to more fear. It is only in those situation in which violence is the only solution to ending it. In the ending of the movie, after all the violence that happened, people were more united and there was finally peace. I am convince that V was right.

  23. Vollinger, Candy
    *Using violence against the government.*

    Violence should never be used in fighting for what one thinks is right. It may solve a particular problem temporarily but in the long run it always has negative effects not only on the person who committed the act of violence itself or who ordered it to be done, but also to the people surrounding him, to his community.

    In the movie V for Vendetta it was shown that after all the acts of violence and after V destroys the houses of parliament on the 5th of November, the people were finally free again from the rule of Chancellor Suttler, but the movie didn’t show what happened after that. It may have caused even more chaos, it may have created a national crisis other from the previous one which was the outbreak of a fatal virus which started at St. Mary’s and eventually spread.

    Take in consideration what Adolf Hitler did in Germany as the Jews took over banks, hotels, big companies and establishments and basically ruled and had more power over the German people in their own land Germany. Wanting to gain control back over his country Adolf Hitler has ordered the Nazi’s to suffocate the Jews to death in gas chambers. What’s worse is that Hitler lied to them and told them he’d give them a treat and free shower, but what they didn’t know is that they were taking a shower to death. After the Jews had died within the chambers the Nazi’s burned the bodies, and the rest was history. All over the world people hated the Nazi’s, but the problem was that the hate felt was not only for the Nazi’s but for entire Germany. This is the reason behind the stereotype Germans got nowadays, strict, hard headed, and I even heard someone say once “bad persons”.

    The act of violence that started from one person has now affected Germany up until these days, some German children are being bullied for it especially when they live in a foreign country. I am strongly against any act of violence, I believe that we could resolve all our problems by thoroughly planning them out and by standing hand in hand believing that we could change the world, believing that we could change a wrong system even how powerful or feared the opponent is, just like what had happened after the People Power Revolution here in the Philippines.


    "V was right in using violence to change the government."

    I agree to the topic that V was right in using violence to change the government because in the movie, by the time V started to destroy houses and the parliament, the government reacts to it, they were shocked that leads their attention to what has happened and they had to know why does all of it happened from that they will know what's really wrong and what people really wants.

    Just like in our country, Philippines. Most of us still uses rally so that the government will give us the attention we want and hear our sides and suggestions because in our country government is always busy doing something that sometimes it doesn't need to be done. They dont see what's more important to do and they dont know what the other people feel.


    "People should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of the people."
    This sentence is regarded as the classic lines, contains two important role - the government and the people.
    The equality of here refers to the equal legal status.
    I think the relationship between the government and the people are not afraid of and fearless, and the relationship between supervision and the supervision, but a equal relationship.
    Artists use lies the truth, politicians to cover up the truth with lies.
    Film art give us the strong ideological impact, also let us realize that the government should be transparent, sunshine type.
    So, want to the people rebelled against the government, it should establish a mutual trust relationship between each other.

  26. EOM, YEHEE

    "Placing all power in a single political party to govern is best for the state"

    as we could seen in the movie 'v for vendette'
    at first the one person with mighty power seems governed well
    (there are no or less poverty are shown)

    but soon he is going to abuse his power
    and that power invasion the rights of citizens

    he prohibit what is offence to his eyes
    there should be no gay, different religious, etc...

    and for him to reinforce the power, he made issues and nonsense things that
    even be harmed or be kill his people.
    through many issues, events, and killing... he plant fear to his people
    and use that fear to follow him and depend on him more.

    to make example for this in real life politics
    Philippine president Marcos, he is busy to use his power to take own goods
    (luxurious) that it brings his politics corrupt

    through those many cases whoever take the authority
    whenever he or she can abuse their power and position

    so, to prevent abuse of power and to safeguard freedom for all
    country made 'The separation of power' in to three

    1. Legislative 2. Executive 3. Judiciary

    each of them can check the others,
    as result, no one institution can become so powerful in democracy as
    to destroy this system

    - When they got mighty power, Everyone, Anyone can tempted to abuse their power

    so to prevent it...
    we should keep that the three powers.

  27. Freyra, Krizzia Anne R.

    V was right in using violence to change the government

    One of the biggest and evident issues in the movie, “V for Vendetta” was the theme of revenge. Such emotion was the reason and motivation as for everything that V has done. As I try my very best to observe all of the scenarios in the movie; deaths, destructions of towers were seen everywhere. However, as the story went on, I realized that V was not only there to retaliate, he was actually concerned with what is going on. The motive and drive for every action of V’s is in fact, something that I admire. It takes a lot of courage and willingness all for one person not only to plan, but to do such things.

    To quote what he said, “People should not fear their governments, governments should fear their people.” Before the retaliation of V, the Parliament did not fear their people. Rather, the Parliament controlled their people through both fear and hopelessness. There was also an absence of freedom, making its citizens resemble puppets or robots per se, in which it is the hand of the chancellor who holds the remote control. The leadership was very misleading and the state was undoubtedly on a fiasco that I find the actions of V justifiable.
    The people do not have a say even in their personal lives. If for example, an individual has a different sexual preference and intends to have relations with a member of same gender, the authorities of the state could interfere with it and go inside their homes and shoot them. The right to choose and the right to privacy were violated. People weren’t treated humanely anymore; the government aren’t listening nor consider hearing the opinions of its citizens anymore that it doesn’t make sense to have a peaceful revolution.
    It only reached that point because the government left its people with no choice. Violence may not be the best answer, but I believe in this given case, it is the most efficient one. The end has truly justified the means, at least. With such a noble cause to stop the government to do things they aren’t supposed to do, I find all of V’s acts justifiable. For me, all of those things are part of change, of the transition of England from an enslaved to a free country. It’s better to suffer the pain of change or suffer the pain of familiarity and forever be locked to slavery. If it were not for V’s desire and heart for revenge, who knows what would have happened?
    Even here in our country, people may hate to admit it but as much as the leadership of Ferdinand Marcos was strict and somehow violent, it has also undeniably given positive effects. The violence has brought up disciplined and law abiding Filipino citizens that are sadly rare to see nowadays. If it wasn’t for his strict leadership, the Philippines could have not been one of the developed countries that time. Marcos defended the declaration stressing the need for extra powers to quell the rising wave of violence allegedly caused by communists.

    Also, Marcos explained that martial law was not a military takeover but was then the only option to resolve the country’s dilemma on rebellion that stages national chaos threatening the peace and order of the country. The emergency rule, according to Marcos’s plan, was to lead the country into what he calls a “New Society”.
    I am not saying that violence is advisable and is always the good solution. But in V’s case, I agree with what he has done. I really do believe that at times, to stop violence requires another violent act to cease, because some people only want to hear themselves and do not know how to listen. It is pointless to plead or to have a diplomatic discourse if that is the case. This has same case with V. He was left with no any option but to take it the hard way, just to build a new and better England for everyone.

  28. I choose the first topic.V was right I using violence.As we know,there has many way to let the government get out of the dark,but it's depend on the situations. Obviously,it's already can't in peace way to help the government to get out of the dark.Potentates are brutalist already,and crime going very crazy and everywhere. Where got bullied,where got resist.V is the one who going to give the brave to the people who are suffering. Revolution need blood.he is symbolize of the people who's not afraid the dark side.That's why I support this view. Hu Linxiang

  29. Barrientos, Wilfon Jr.

    The government is given the power to govern and protect the people but there are some cases wherein the government officials forgot who they owe their power to and try to use it against them. Having said this, "the government should fear the people" it for the reason that their power and jurisdiction, as mentioned earlier, were given by the people and the people can decide if they will get it back. People will cling to power for as long as they live and if power befalls on their hands, they have the tendency to abuse it and use all the necessary means to preserve the said power. These will lead to oppressions, injustices and inequalities until there will come a time wherein they will not accept nor tolerate the rules given by the abusive ruler and will resolve to join forces in order to eliminate the source of the problem. It is a reflection of a powerful quote that is lurking the cyberspace and it reads "the few should fear the many".
    At the end of the movie, the citizens of London joined the march in order to witness the collapse of their totalitarian government. Their presence alone can be viewed as power for the soldiers did not fire their guns despite the fact that can eliminate them with their firepower. And the soldiers on guard knew that if one of them fired a single shot, it will start a riot and even if they eliminate them, new enemies will come forth and other nation will be angered and they will avenge the massacred masses which will lead to more trouble. It is also assumed that family members of those soldiers were included in the uprising of the people. Another good example from the film is then, when a fingerman killed a young girl who was caught spraying the symbol of V and wearing his mask, people ganged up on him despite the fact that he has the power to do so, and eventually, the fingerman was beaten up. These are example of the capabilities when the many fight as one.

    History taught us the extent of united people. A scene from the world history that showed the results of combined forces of the masses was when Nicolae Ceausescu, the former communist dictator or Romania, whose regime ended after he ordered his security forces to fire on anti-government demonstrators that lead to the revolution of 1989 which also lead to his execution. In the Philippines, the Marcos and Erstrada Administration saw the revolutions that shaped our country today. Ferdinand Marcos was force to leave his position and sought refuge in Hawaii on United States which leads to the formation or 1987 constitution. The said revolution was known and glorified as EDSA I wherein citizens all around Manila and neighbouring provinces marched on EDSA and throw away their sentiments towards the Marcos Regime. It is a peaceful revolution wherein the people did not use any violence. Later on, the citizens of the Philippines marched again on EDSA in order to overthrow the former President Estrada that was accused and guilty of Plunder. The said revolution was known as EDSA Dos and unlike the former EDSA revolution, violence was seen performed by some protesters. There are scenes like trampled car was burning and police were firing tear gasses and bombarding them with water. Nevertheless, this force Estrada to resign and give up his position to his Vice President Gloria Arroyo.

    At all instances, government should fear the people but in for the society to have order, the people need the government. The must mutually cooperate with each other in order preserve peace. Using the words of Malcolm X to conclude the essay,
    "Power in defense of freedom is greater than the power in behalf of tyranny".

  30. Lapidario, Paula Denise K.
    * Using violence against the government

    Violence is not the right way to solve things, problems and issues that occur in the government or even in our lives as individuals. It will just make the situation worse and will give more problems for us to face.

    For example, here in our country, People tend to do crimes and violence to get what they want or sometimes what they need for their own good. Even though the government do something about all of the crimes and put people that are involve in jail, still they will do such things that they believe that is right for them or for their situation. they think that if they do what they thought, they will live peacefully but its not what all we believe in is right to do.

    Like in the movie V for Vendetta, V used violence to make the people revolt and change the government, and he thinks that it is the right way to fix things up. Even if the people changed the government, still what V did is not the best way and right way to solve things.

    I know that sometimes what we thought is the best way but taking time to reflect and think about it over and over is what we merely do because we tend to just obey what our minds and instincts tells us to do without reflecting on it, we still do such things even if it is sometimes not righteous to do.

  31. Lapidario, Paula Denise K.
    * Using violence against the government

    Violence is not the right way to solve things, problems and issues that occur in the government or even in our lives as individuals. It will just make the situation worse and will give more problems for us to face.

    For example, here in our country, People tend to do crimes and violence to get what they want or sometimes what they need for their own good. Even though the government do something about all of the crimes and put people that are involve in jail, still they will do such things that they believe that is right for them or for their situation. they think that if they do what they thought, they will live peacefully but its not what all we believe in is right to do.

    Like in the movie V for Vendetta, V used violence to make the people revolt and change the government, and he thinks that it is the right way to fix things up. Even if the people changed the government, still what V did is not the best way and right way to solve things.

    I know that sometimes what we thought is the best way but taking time to reflect and think about it over and over is what we merely do because we tend to just obey what our minds and instincts tells us to do without reflecting on it, we still do such things even if it is sometimes not righteous to do.


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