
Monday, August 10, 2015

Welcome 1POL1, 1POL2, and 1POL3 to the gate of the course of kings - POL201.

I look forward to an enjoyable semester with you.

There are two things that I didn't have the time to cover today.  Two misconceptions that I want clarified before we proceed.

1)  None among the three of you are cream over the other.  Being part of 1 section does not make one less or greater than another.  You make yourself what you are here.
2)  There are no major and minor subjects.  There are General Education (Gen Ed) courses common to all programs.  And there are Professional Education (Prof Ed) courses.  Considering one as more important than the other agains cripples you.  Example, you can't write a good thesis (which is Prof Ed) if you did not learn Statistics and English Writing, which are both Gen Ed.

With that dealt with, below are the links that I told you about.  The CV is in MS Word file so you can check out the formats.  Follow the technicality of the format that I used.

Times New Roman 12
Double Spaced
1 inch margin on all four sides
Position the picture as I did.
Stay near to the same picture size.
8 1/2 by 13 (Long Bond)
One one page.

CV will be graded using the following Rubric

Each sleeve in the clearbok will have teo CVs (back to back).


Sample CV:

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