Each group has 1 modern thinker's selected works as assigned last Wed.
Each group's task is to outline the topics assigned. Each subheading of your outline will be key points of your particular thinker.
Let's use the film as an example.
If we use Tao Te Ching quoted parts, the outline will be:
I. Will vs. Desire
A. Illusion
1. The Illusion of serving people whom we love.
2. The truth of serving others.
a. Serving those we hate.
II. The paradox of water
A. Strength, meaning of
B. Softness, meaning of
III. Property
A. Can a person be another person's property?
The group will submit their outline in a single long bond paper, properly formatted as per my usual requirements. Individual names will appear at 3rd line from the top. 1st and 2nd line is reserved for your assigned thinker's reference.
Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu
Analysis Outline
Group Presentation:Names (surname, firstname)
Then make a picture illustrating the topics/subtopics of your group. Main topics are outlines in the table of contents. subtopics will show your analysis of those topics.
Pictures will be created by stills made by members of the groups acting out a frozen scene that can illustrate the idea.
These pictures will be placed in powerpoint slides, each slide followed by a quote from the book.
Then followed by a slide showing 3-4 lines summating the argument.
On the illusion of serving those whom we love.
It is easy to serve those whom we love.
Doing so simply is an act of following our basic nature, our desires.
Doing so is not really serving others, but serving yourself.
In reality, it does not really improve us as a person, for ourselves, and as a member of society.
Be ready to explain your slides in class.
Marks will be given for:
Proper outline (logical and proper format) = 10
Pictures portray the ideas = 30
Quotes match the topics in the outline = 20
Summative arguments capture the essence of the political idea = 20
Individual explanations = 20
Total of 100 pts
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