
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Writing Objectives of the Study

Writing in a particular discipline is pointless without a particular useful output.  Research can be an expensive endeavor.  And having a good objective is what makes a particular research fundable.

The Objectives of the Study is written following a format of the Statement of the Problem (introductory paragraph, though you may include one).  There will be a one liner declaring the main objective followed by specific objectives.

The Objective has the goal of producing output.  Hence:
There should be a one liner of a ceclarative sentence stating the output.  And this output is directly aligned with the one liner of the Statement of the Problem.  The knowledge to be discovered via the research is the main output.  The sub-objectives are a list of feasible uses of the output of the research. E.g.  Training manual, policy basis, report for the U.N. or ASEAN.

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