
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Qualitative political Analysis: Online Lecture - Unit 2 Nature of Political Analysis

Some Finishing Touches from Unit 1:

Concept vs Content

The essence of writing a paper is that you are producing ideas, not rehashing them.  There are two things that you have to take into consideration in writing, content and concepts.  When we speak here of content, it is the raw facts that come from the research, whether it is library research, a survey of literatures, a survey of studies, or actual field work.  They work hand-in-hand with concepts - existing or new political ideas.

What do you do with these?  Say for example, you have interviews.  These are content.  Same as survey material, which you then present in graphs, charts, or tables.  They are all content.  But a very important question is, what concepts can you use these content for.  You will not just have a bunch of quotes or numbers.

Remember that when you write, you have a thesis.  An argument that you are trying to prove.  The concepts are the things that will become the things that will prove your thesis.  Let's use as an example my recent paper presented in Sweden.  It's thesis is that "solid waste management is implemented properly through local autonomy.'  And I had interviews on how local barangays are able to implement the provisions of RA 9003.  I also have numerical data from city hall on the success rate of the city in diverting solid waste materials.  

But before I lump all my quotes or paraphrases, I organize and outline the topics which lead to the argument.  And the outlines composed of the following political concepts:  political structure of the city, political actors, and the localization process.  It is these concepts which I talked about in the paper, and the quotes and numerical data were used to as evidences.

Note:  You do not quote and explain.  You state your ideas, then prove it with the evidences.  Whether in the form of quotes, paraphrases, numbers, or even pictures. 

Media Analysis vs Conferences

As statesmen and women, we analyze the condition of the state.  We are also scientists who produce or innovate ideas.  Political analysis is involved in both, and it is important that you do one or both of them.

Speaking through the media and providing the public a political analysis has similarities and differences with that of a conference.  When you speak through media, you are being a political analyst.  You are commenting on conditions of the present, and occasionally on the prospects of the future.  When you speak at a conference you are delivering your discoveries (conducted through rigorous research) to the community of political scientists and any other stakeholder involved in your niche.

But whether you are speaking to the media or at a conference, one thing in common is the need for both INSIGHT and RIGOR,

Analysis given before the media may seem to have less rigor because you have to speak on something current that is going on in the Philippines or outside.  But in fact the rigor has already been accomplished from years devoted to studying a specific area of politics: ie. elections, corruption, environment.  This is part of the essence of being an expert in a chosen field.  Rigor in conferences involve painstaking process of accepting and rejecting participants, qualifications of respondents, streamlining questions for interview or survey, validating them, among others.  These are what helps make what you discover valid, acceptable, and fairly accurate.  

Insight is actually the result of analysis.  It is informing people of what goes on deep in the political world.  And this involves being able to do one or more of the following: classifying things (e.g. explaining what's going on by being able to classify governments, classify actions of people), abstracting or differentiating or finding similarities (e.g. explaining how something happened by differentiating events, people, institutions.  Sometimes, instead of differences, you need to look at similarities), contextualizing or by being able to relate concepts to the setting of the political events (e.g. explaining how something occurred by tracing history, identifying geographic background, identifying social background), predicting or being able to observe patterns and their implications.

With that let us procede to unit 2.

Nature of Political Analysis

Political analysis explains the political world.  Usually, what we explain are political events or phenomena/phenomenon (phenomenology), such as impeachment, or elections or voting, or doing politics in media, or doing politics in the street.  Take note of the given samples, and let us connect them with the above ideas of CONCEPT and CONTENT.  Content are the raw data.  Note that I mentioned as samples of phenomenon both elections and voting.  Because they are two different concepts and as such given different terms.  How about the samples: doing politics in media, and doing politics in the street?  They are political events.  Are they different concepts?  Are there terms that actually encapsulate one and the other?  Do they both fall under the umbrella term of "political participation?"  (note also that we are in a way abstracting and doing classifying here)    
But sometimes, in order to arrive at understanding political events, we also need to understand political beings (ontology).  These beings are what we call 1) political actors in behavioralism/post behavioralism, and 2) political institutions in institutionalism/neo-institutionalim.
Political beings can, at times, be less concrete and more abstract.  Because in a more general sense, ontology is about understanding "what."  And these whats in politics can also be immaterial things such as, values, ideologies, even music.  They can also be other concepts or can be other non-living material things such as media, books, or even food.\

We need to understand the nature of what we analyze before we can procede to the actual act of analysis.  Because if the analysis does not match the thing being analyzed. then the result may not lead to insight.  The following three are the nature of analysis based on what kind of research is being done.  

Normative Analysis

The information here is best answered through your reading by Pietrzyk-Reeves, 2017.

What I'll be giving here is a guide, along with the practicalities unique to our department.  Normativism was the very beginning of political science.  In fact, it was the beginning of political philosophy.  And why sometimes, political science is classified as a branch of philosophy under ethics.  It proposes principles on how the political world should work, rather than describe it.  Ethically, it also analyzes by evaluating the actions of political beings, be they actors or institutions.  

Normative analysis and normative philosophy are seldom accepted as thesis topics in our department because of the INSIGHT requirement.  In terms of rigor and insight, normative research has less rigor (mind you, less not none).  And it has a very high expectation in terms of insight.  

There is less rigor because there is less surveys or interviews to do.  More attention is instead given to analysis of the data.  Political scientists who are more into rigor disparage those who write on normative analysis by calling them armchair researchers because sometimes all you need are literature and classic texts.  The literature can be sources of current events, the classic texts as sources of practical philosophy to be used in the analysis.

What makes it fail is the convolutedness and abstractness.  What can make it pass is organization.  Because to write on normative political analysis is to do political philosophy.  And here the matching activity is to discuss abstract concepts.  Not just talk about them, but to dissect them to the very core in order to arrive at the very essence  of what you are analyzing.  Each part you dissect, will them have it's own discussion and explanation.  And you should be able to help the reader see all these ideas with your words.  

Pietrzyk-Reeves (2017) gives us a 2 important guidelines.  1.  Is on what to study, and 2. on how to study.  The answer to the first is easy enough: real world politics.  You need to study current political issues.  The second is that you need to be able to use specific political postulates or principles to evaluate the issue or the event or the act    The article also adds the concept of the need for validity.  You have to cross validate you findings by doing one of two things or both.  One is going back to the people who are the subject of analysis and having them confirm your findings.  The other is going to experts on the topic, interviewing them and seeing if your analysis matches.  Or you can simply confirm your analysis by asking.

Empirical Analysis

Our discussion on empirical analysis is based on Isaac (2015).

The currently acceptable form of doing science.  Rational choice analysts  would say that the only empirical research is one that does quantitative analysis.   We will not include Rational Choice as a reading because you will not be using it.  There are not enough experts in the country who can pass down that knowledge in terms of applied political science.  And I wouldn't claim such an expertise myself.  

Empirical analysis can be said as having a balance of both rigor and insight.  Rational choice has more rigor, though they'd claim they have a high level of both.  Eventually writers such as Weber and Strauss argued that science is not simply about the numbers.  And qualitative analysts who followed eventually consolidated methods that make it rigorous.

The rigor is not simply about going to the field and doing surveys or interviews.  The rigor is about calibrating the instrument and making the experiment as valid and accurate as possible.  Isaac provides us the following varieties of what makes empricial research: Evidence, Plausibility, Tests, Wide Area or Scope.

Evidence is raw data.  It's statements, statistics, pictures, drawings, any material that can support your argument.  And they all come from the field.  These are the things that make a paper original, the use of unpublished materials.  Evidences that you took or gathered first-hand.

Plausibility relates to insight.  The argument that you are trying to convey in your writing, and would eventually present at a conference or through the media should be logically possible or feasible both in the mind of the reader or audience, and also in reality.

Tests begin at the planning stage.  You establish qualifications for your locus of study, for the participants or respondents.  You have to double check, why talk to these people?  Take for example the difference between elections and voting.  If you are trying to do an analysis of why do people vote, do you interview professors, or do you interview voters?  Do you interview candidates or do you interview those who will be voting?  

Then there's the set of questions that you ask.  We will deal with these on the next unit.  But questionnaires and surveys both are termed as instruments.  Just the same as we call weighing scales, test tubes, beakers, and cylinders as instruments.  Among those, test tubes do not have numerical markings.  But we use them to contain things, and to separately identify chemicals.  Instruments help us measure, they help us identify characteristics, they help us identify components.  We can't just place any question in an interview questionnaire or in a survey.  These questions must accurately bring about the scientific result of what you are trying to find out.

Hence, instruments need to be pre-tested.  You go to a different set of people, one who are not your participant or respondents, but can substitute, around 2-3 for quali, and 10 for quanti will do.  You ask administer the instrument and observe if the questions do elicit the right answer.  Because sometimes, what we ask is not the way a person actually understand.  Sometimes, we can be vague, sometimes we use the wrong terms, sometimes we use an incorrect line of asking.  Once done, you revise until you are finally ready to go to the field.

Going to the field without doing this is the true waste of time, energy, money, and a lot of paper if the instrument is innacurate.

Wide range of scope allows the thesis to be more generalizable.  A thesis should not be, Isko Moreno is an effective local government officials.  But rather, you should move up to a general category of what Isko Moreno is.  He can be a proletarian politician, he could be a former actor politician.  This now helps to generalize the statement.  You now dissect the concept of being a preletarian politican.  Of being a proletariat, of being a politician, which are qualities of the case - Isko.  You do not study Isko per se.  You study the political of what is Isko.

To all this, I also would like to hark back to validation.  Which is an essential practice through all the modes of analyses.  If you did quali, you might need numbers to validate the claims.  If you did quanti, you might need words and explanations to validate the numbers.

Most importantly, specific qualitative methods require validation by you going back to the participant after you did the analysis.  Again, you bring back the analysis, and it will be they who will say that yes, the terms categories you made does describe their political world.  This is usually done in phenomenology, because you are merely analyzing a person's experience.  The experience are not yours.  You need the participant's validation.

Constructivist Analysis

This mode of analysis is fun, but very contestable.  A trait which makes it less acceptable by the department.  Construction is about consolidating ideas and encapsulating them.  It's about interpretation of texts and statements which may or may not have differences in meaning depending on the audience.

It's a cross between political philosophy and empirical analysis.  In construction, one construes meaning.  The subjects can be speeches, music, books, film.  And the interpretation of one person can be different from another.  The only way for a constructive analysis can be acceptable is if one is able to present rigor aside from insight.

Based on this discussion, I want you to be able to review your proposals, and from this start brainstorming on which among these fits your topic.


  1. Normative and Empirical analysis. These two fit in our study more than constructivist analysis. The goal of our research is to know the satisfaction of the college students to the responsiveness of the local government in metro manila when it comes into class suspensions , catalyzed by a natural disaster. How do these political analysis fit in our study? What my partner and i going to do is to collect information from the students, studying in schools located in metro manila, regarding their experiences and satisfaction about the local government's responsiveness. As what mentioned above under the discussion of Empirical analysis, a researcher has to go to the field, gather informations and validates it. The reason is that those informations are based on the respondents' experiences (phenomenological). This is similar om what we are going to do with our study. For another, the reason why we will collect informations from the target respondents is because we need to have evidences so that we may be able to create insights -plausibility- regarding to the responsiveness of the local government when it comes into class cancelations. If the responses of the respondents' portray that they are not satisfied, then we will start searching if the local government complies to the standards regarding the said issue. Hence, our study may propose an act on what a local government should do when it comes into class cancelations during a natural disaster - normative analysis

    Richard Jonathan M. Real

  2. Dimasuay, Josea Roy

    The one that fits our proposal the most is Empirical analysis because as stated in our thesis statements, we mean to use the satisfaction of students as an indication to the responsiveness of the Local Government Unit on class suspensions. This satisfaction can only be gained through interviews and surveys with the students. The data is factual and from the respondents themselves, not classical texts and literature. Although we will be interpreting data, it will not be from speeches, movies and books but from the actions of political actors as well as the preference of their constituents. Our research needs to be based on empirical data supported by valid evidences in order to fulfill its significance of being a tool to assess the LGU's responsiveness to the needs and safety of the students and a basis of evaluating the current policy set by CHED regarding class suspension for students in higher education.

  3. Hinolan, Jan Maureen

    Our study seeks to prove that the lack of concrete identification within political parties in the Philippines lead to ineffectiveness of political candidates once elected in office. We see that normative analysis best fit our research for the reason that we are to lean more on analysis of evidences such as statistics, current events, related studies, public statements, cases, and achievements the senators have accomplished than surveys or interviews. We included the achievements and cases of the politicians because these are key informations to know whether their affiliation with certain political parties affect their decisions in passing or disregarding policies and if their stands on issue or their beliefs align with their political party. As mentioned above normative analysis proposes principles on how the political world should work and evaluates the actions of political beings which is the main course of our study because we are to compare and evaluate the relationships of Philippine political party, candidates, and the recurring topic of turncoatism in order to conclude our research.

  4. Peña, John Irvin

    Empirical analysis is the more appropriate approach for our study for the reason that our study seeks to determine the social and political effects of overseas Chinese on Filipino Communities. The raw data will be obtained by using instruments such as surveys or questionnaires and will be derived from the communities themselves. Furthermore, the data that is acquired will be original because it came from our own surveys and it will also be factual because it came from real life respondents. Our study should use the empirical approach in order to obtain the data that will be the evidence to support our assessment between China-Philippine relation.

  5. Medina, Corinne Teresa M.

    Our normative analysis study entitled “Against all Forms of Aggression and Sexualization: In Light of the Rights and Laws of Women” reviews the relationship of the sexualization of women in Filipino media (specifically Filipino films and advertisements) and its implication to women’s rights which also focuses on alternative readings of sex and/or gender, and media, both accounts that contribute significantly.
    In this case, normative discontent stereotypes are shown to be pervasive for women that highlight the diverse array of practices under the course of the “objectification” or “sexual exploitation of women” in the film and commercial industry. This therefore endorses the stereotypes varied by the female gender and its hindrance to upholding the political rights of women. In particular, these specific norms are themselves related to determine the country’s general support on such level of gender equality.

  6. Tambuson, Carol Shane N.

    Our research aims to explain the factors that cause the apparent change in the voting behavior of voters in Metro Manila during the 2019 municipal elections, therefore, the application of empirical analysis would be fitting in proving the claim of our study. The use of surveys and interviews as a method of data gathering procedure will help in establishing the analysis of the present voting behavior of the Filipinos in Metro Manila as well as identifying and describing various factors that enable it. Thus, the researchers are expected to do pretesting and field works in the process. In line with this, the research will dwell more on the analysis of data from surveys and interviews as forms of first-hand evidences rather than examining previous researches and published ideas. However, some of these related literature would also be essential in explaining the argument of the research which entails that the Filipinos no longer depend exclusively on name recall, rather, they are now opting for a candidate that proposes a reform in the system which the former leaders from political dynasties have failed to deliver. Furthermore, the claim of the study can be easily grasped by the audience due to its timeliness and relevance in the society. Moreover, it also encompasses a wide range of scope through exploring various factors that affect the voting behavior of the Filipinos which include the influence of the Church, popular culture, and political awakening.

  7. MARCELINO, Reginald

    Our study is entitled "Clashing Towards Solidarity: How Party Coalitions Construct Political Platforms" and it emphasizes on how party coalitions form political platforms despite their different political ideologies. An approach that would directly be related with our study is the Empirical analysis. Based from the evidences gathered from our review of related literature, there are local studies related to political coalitions, an example would be the 2010 national elections lead by the Liberal party (Team PNoy). From those evidences, we would analyze the factors and influences of the formation of their political platforms on their principle as a coalition. In addition. in-depth insights would be conducted through interviews answered by constitutional law experts or local government unit leaders in order to evaluate their first-hand experiences with their involvement in a party coalition and the construction of their enforced/neglected platforms. With these, supporting evidences would be provided that would satisfy the needed parameters of associating the formation of political platforms of a party coalition.

  8. Quiambao, Patrick Miguel

    Our study will focus on the factors that affect the voting behavior of the Filipinos in Metro Manila during the 2019 municipal elections, hence, an empirical analysis is considered appropriate in presenting the data and findings of the research. The primary objective of our study is to present and explain the factors that cause the shift in voting behavior of the voters in Metro Manila which requires the analysis of the voters’ experiences and their reasons on why they opted for a new candidate rather than those from notable political clans through conducting surveys and interviews. Therefore, it can be inferred that the study needs more statistical and descriptive data from surveys, rather than relying on the analysis of published literature and classic texts. Although some of these can be used through explaining the comparison between the voting behavior of the Filipinos then and now, which will also be further utilized in amplifying the claim of the study that voters nowadays do not solely depend on name recall, rather they are more compelled to a candidate who offers better and faster solutions to their problems.

  9. Catungal, Kathleen Joy B.

    Our study is entitled “The Effects of an Individual’s Socioeconomic Status on their Perceptions toward Federalism: A study on middle class in Barangay 470, Sampaloc, Manila.” The approach that is more fitting to our study is Empirical analysis since we will be using surveys and interviews to help us determine the socioeconomic status of an individual and to find out if their status, particularly the middle class, has an effect with their views toward federalism. For the interpretation of data, we will rely more on the surveys conducted from the participants, because their views and perceptions are what’s essential in our study. These perceptions can be a way for the adjustment of key policies and laws from the government since individual’s perceptions are significant in the decision making process of the government.

  10. De Mesa, Corrine Marion M.

    Our study entitled “The Effects of an Individual’s Socioeconomic Status on their Perceptions toward Federalism: A Study on Middle Class in Barangay 470, Sampaloc Manila” aims to determine if the political perceptions of an individual are affected by their socioeconomic status. The perceptions of the participants are significant in policy decision making. Furthermore, our study will focus on the middle-income class. For our research method, we’ll be using surveys and interviews. Thus, the analysis that best fits our study is empirical analysis. We’ll be gathering first-hand evidences to use for specific purposes of our study.

  11. Sucuano, Francis Manolo S.

    Our study entitled “The Lack of Support of Government on E-sports in the Philippines” our study aims to explore and break the obsolete conception about E-sports, we also want to show the relevance of E-sports that there are chances of economic growth and tourism in our country because of international tournaments that we are going to host if the government cooperates. The lack of support of our Government is a big problem in terms of visa applications and funds unlike in other countries their professional e-sports team are well supported and funded by their own government. The approach that really fits in our topic is Normative Analysis because based on an analysis of the situation our research gives an idea to the people that E-sports can be a profession and can earn money from it, and it also suggest that our government should fund our E-sports program because it also representing our country in major tournaments and always getting a good results and good performance.

  12. Pascual, Jon Andre

    The approach of Empirical analysis is suitable for our proposal entitled "The role of social media as the way of envisioning the sense of nationalism". Our study seeks to determine on how social media serves as an modifier with regards of individual's awareness on political sphere. This study can be done through Phenomenological research method because the main focus of our paper is to analyze the experience of citizen in using social media as an indicator if they already practicing the sense of nationalism through interactive dialogue relating to political agenda. We will use survey and interviews as an instrument for data gathering in order for us to obtain detailed information and to establish more accurate data for the study of political behavior. In addition, coding of data and making it concise will make a study more precisely. It can be concluded that Empirical analysis gives deep contextual data that is useful for understanding a phenomenon.

  13. Buenafe, Gabriel

    Our study is entitled “The Role of Social Media as the Way of Envisioning the Sense of Nationalism”. The main focus of our research is to examine the purpose of social media as a platform in building a sense of empowerment for nationalism through discussion networks of citizens, which will be performed through an empirical analysis. Data gathering will be based on analyzing the citizens’ experience of using social media, if they are developing a sense of awareness for the community. This will require distributing surveys and conducting interviews, which consist of descriptive data. Some published texts, that explain the importance of networking in social media and the main concept of Philippine nationalism may also be put to use for our research.

  14. Dagoy, Louie Iyar

    Our study will apply the Empirical Analysis approach since it is more relevant considering the reason that our study seeks to understand and determine both political and social effects of the Chinese population within the Filipino community. We will acquire the data by the use of questionnaires, surveys, and interviews that will be obtained from the respective community. The data that are obtained through these mediums will be firsthand, due to the fact that it came from the Filipino respondents themselves. Furthermore, this justifies the application of the Empirical Analysis to our research since we will need the obtained data to support our evaluation towards the Philippine-China relations.

  15. Sir this is regarding our research proposal, entitled The Populist Approach of Mayor Isko Moreno Domagoso in Local Governance and Public Policy, shows both Empirical and Normative analyses. However, the study leans more on Empirical analysis rather than Normative as our study would aim to utilize more on the quantitative approaches such as surveys. Our study would also utilize various reports, news articles, and public policies that would support evidences and claims for our study.
    To clarify on our title defense, we argue that public policy is included in our topic as it is the mandate of the Local Chief Executive to supervise and such the laws made by the Sangguniang Panlungsod. The Local Chief Executive, in this case the mayor, has the authority to guide the Sangguniang Panlungsod on the laws and various policies they would draft. The Local Chief Executive also has the power to veto any policy that the local legislative would draft. Thus with these points, we argue that public policy can have an effect from the Local Chief Executive thus complementing our study on how the populist approach of Isko Moreno can influence in local governance and public policy. (LGU Code, CHAPTER 3 - OFFICIALS AND OFFICES COMMON TO ALL CITIES, Art. 1- The City Mayor, SEC. 455. Chief Executive; Powers, Duties and Compensation)

    Guaing, Antonio Bernardo

    The research proposal entitled: The Populist Approach of Mayor Isko Moreno Domagoso in the Local Governance and Public Policy, falls in the Empirical Analysis (Isaac, 2015). Empirical analysis is an evidence-based approach which study and interpret informations. It is an approach that relies on real-world setting, from the objective, to know the leadership strategy of Mayor Isko Moreno in Manila City, it will utilize various reports such as, news articles, and public policy that will give supporting evidences in the study.
    As the Manila City is the capital of the Philippines, it is surrounded by different university and colleges, center of national marketing and trading as it portrays the everyday living people in an urban setting. Its feasibility is in line with logical and current status quo. Initiating the tests should be accurate and credible to assure that it may come up in an innovative solutions that will help the LGU of Manila to improve and grow. Lastly the scope, will focus in the local administration and public policy in Manila city which synthesize the populism stance of Isko Moreno which can further develop the department orders to guide the other LGU’s in public governance.
    Sambrano, Dannieliza

  16. Corporal V, Romulo Kim A.

    Good Day Sir!

    This comment is in regards with our research proposal on “Conflict and Security: The Geopolitical Strategy of Philippines on the Territorial Dispute with China”. My partner, Esperida, and I have decided to focus on the Territorial element of the state that examines the geopolitical relationship and cooperation strategy of our country with China on the disputed land such the Spratly Island, Scarborough Shoal, Fuga Island in Cagayan, Chiquita and Grande Islands in Zambales. For our study, we are to use Normative and Empirical Analysis in order for us to understand the very nature of the subject that will be analyzed. For Normative, our study will have an analysis of the materials and evidences that already existed such as related literature, studies, articles, cases and statements. By this, we can grasp insight and accumulate data that can be used in support to the statement of our study on geopolitical strategy of our country on the disputed lands as well as to evaluate the action and principles of the government in building an alliance with China. On the other hand, for Empirical Analysis, questionnaire will also be used in order for our study to accumulate raw data from the Filipino people where we can have information regarding what relational and cooperation strategy does they have foreseen to the government with its partnership with China, thus, we will analyze and interpret the data if their insight and understanding is aligned with the government’s plans and action on building alliance with China, specifically on territorial, security, and development matter.

  17. Esperida, Julianne Marie M.

    Good day, Sir!
    This is regarding our research proposal entitled “Conflict and Security: The Geopolitical Strategy of Philippines on the Territorial Dispute with China.” Our research paper will be focusing on the cooperation strategy of the Philippines towards China based on the territorial element of the state and the Filipinos’ insight with regards to the Philippine-China disputed territory. In line with that, together with my research partner, Corporal, we chose the territorial element as the variable of our research because we would like to further discuss and as well as examine and understand the geopolitical relationship of the Philippine with China and its impact on the country’s land security. With that, Normative and Empirical approach will be used for the reason that in Normative, the analyzation of the set of materials aligned with our paper will help us, the researchers, in getting enough information and support statements, and also it can help us in evaluating these certain materials that will produce informative outcomes. For Empirical, we aim to know and gather insights and opinions from the Filipino people with regards to the Philippine government’s relational and cooperation strategy. Through the help of the two approach, our study will be determining if the Filipinos’ view is inline or not with the government’s plan of action in our country’s territorial security.

  18. Beltran, Eugene C.

    Good day sir,
    This comment is regarding our revised research that we have entitled: "Populism in the Philippine Context: An Analytical Study on the shift of voter impression of Quezon City electorate in the post-election period of the Duterte administration". We have primarily chosen the Quezon City electorate as our sample because they yielded the highest vote count for Duterte voters than other Metro Manila cities. Our focus is on the change of voter perception to the populist candidate, (particularly Duterte), after the candidate has seemingly failed to deliver on the populist advocacies he campaigned once elected in office.

    Because we will conduct an analytical study on the change of voter perception, our approach would fall under empirical due to the need of measuring our findings through questionnaires and focus group interview on the Quezon City voter that voted for Duterte to accurately show the decline of approval on those who elected him for his populist campaigns. But there is also a need for a normative approach to evaluate the actions of the populist candidate in failing to uphold his advocacies for the masses and an assessment on the people who elect populist candidates despite candidates failing to uphold populist platforms

  19. Arguelles, Kyle Irish D.L.


    Our revised research paper entitled "Populism in the Philippine Context: An Analytical Study on the shift of voter impression of Quezon City electorate in the post-election period of the Duterte administration" draws attention on the political views of the Quezon city electorate towards the development and performance of the Duterte administration after the election period held in 2016. This study highlights the populist stance that was utilized during the campaign period of the Duterte entourage and how it served as a proponent in the landslide victory of the political frontrunner. We would then like to shed light upon populism as a political approach and convey a grounded take/insight on the "thin centered ideology" and how it affects the political atmosphere in the Philippines. (Pauwels, 2011)

    Our paper makes use of both the Empirical and Normative approach in the process of gathering data. The former approach is utilized in determining the status quo of political views through the use of a research instrument. Our paper hopes to acquire raw data from the respondents which will create a robust foundation that supports the convictions our paper wants to relay. The latter approach will be employed in the analyzation of collated data (compiled from survey questionnaires and focus group discussions) which aims to define the political nature and persuasions of the political actors studied upon. This would include the voters and the politicians mentioned in the study. From this, desired inferences that would address the objectives can come about.

  20. Our study entitled as “Against all Forms of Aggression and Sexualization: In Light of the Rights and Laws of Women” focuses on the analysis of how laws on women’s rights lifts the matter of discrimination of women in films and advertisements and the media’s engagement into sexual objectification and sexualization of women in these platforms. In this case, Normative and Empirical approach best fits our research granted that the researchers are proving a point that is anchored to a situation that changes overtime (the discrimination of women in media, current political issue) and an entity that is sealed (laws, classics).

    The pair aims to dig deeper and discover every inch of the study using the literature we will soon gather and of course, the confirmation of a certain person/population in order to prove our thesis statement. Thus, the researchers are expected to collect literature and network it with films and advertisements that is soon to be confirmed by the target population which is women, civil society members and media practitioners through surveys and interviews.

  21. Cirilos, Juan Carlos A.
    Good day sir,

    My research paper entitled "The Effect of Illiteracy in the Choice of Political Candidates of Residents in Barangay Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City" intends to determine how illiteracy plays a role in the political candidate preference of the residents in the said barangay. Since political participation is made evident by the means of voting, this study entails to see the connection between illiteracy and the residents' choice of candidate, as well as, their motivations on choosing their preferred candidates.

    Since I will be using instruments like surveys and interviews, empirical analysis would be most appropriate with my research. Raw, first-hand data will be collected and analysed using a well-constructed instrument in-order to acquire and analyse data accurately.

  22. Olorga, Paul Derick A.

    our Study is entitled as "Memes as a political weapon for electoral propaganda during the 2019 elections". focusing on how memes contributed to the outcome of the recent elections. Our research would be both normative and empirical. since our research would introduce the concept of memes as a part of political strategy and since not much study is present about memes specially the local one, we would set/create new parameters and after setting those parameters we would try and quantify it.

    we would be using instruments such as interview for the first part while setting the parameters and then after we have set the parameters we would create a survey to quantify the study.

  23. CO, Angelo Rafael V.

    Our study is entitled "Clashing Towards Solidarity: How party coalitions construct political platforms". The study gives emphasis on the idea that party coalitions are comprised of two different political parties with different sets of ideologies and principles who formed an alliance. Moreover, our study will implore Empirical Analysis. Our study is supported by both international and local literature that tackles coalitions with deep understanding and mastery. We will conduct series of interviews and surveys for us to produce accurate and reliable data that we will use in our study. Through interviews and surveys, we will know and understand the stories and ideas of the people in regards with their perception of coalitions specifically how coalitions are formed and how they produce coherent platforms. Also, through interviews and surveys, we will determine certain parameters why people join coalitions and have an in-depth knowledge how coalitions work. The data gathered as well as our review of related literature will be proven effective in producing data that will accurately answer our thesis statement.

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  25. Lagran, Maria Francesca N.

    Our study entitled:Meme, Media, Me: A Phenomenological Study on Electoral Memes as a Political Weapon that Shaped the 2019 Philippine Senatorial Elections focuses on how electoral memes influenced the public into voting the candidates that won during the elections. We will execute the study by gathering sources (local and international), and conducting surveys and interviews that will help us in quantifying our paper with respect to the election results. With that being said, our paper uses both empirical and normative approach.
    The aim of our paper is to produce new parameters that are akin to our country's political setting.

  26. Mia, Anna Margarita P.

    Our research will focus on the political attitudes and behavior of students of the STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and ABM (Accounting, Business, and Management) fields which aims to identify the number of voters in each field and the factors which affect their participation in such sociopolitical exercise. Our study will be using Empirical and Normative Analysis. The study will be using surveys and interviews from selected students from universities around the “U-belt” area in the city of Manila as a data gathering method for the study. Hence, a pre-testing and field works will be crucial for the study. Furthermore, we will be interpreting data from direct sources, hence previous studies will be significant in this research. Normative Analysis will be used in order to analyze different studies which have shown the voting behaviors and attitude of different fields. These studies will help us solidify the findings of this research.


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