
Saturday, April 29, 2023

The march towards Q.E. Week 11


  1. Do notes for Swingewood A Short History of Sociological Thought  CONTINUING
  2. Read Beth Roy - Some Trouble with Cows and write a response DONE
  3. Read Phillip Clart - Religion in Modern Taiwan DONE
  4. Read Mircea Eliade - Patterns in Comparative Religion DONE
  5. Read David Jordan - Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors DONE
  6. Read Herman and Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent
  7. Attend to internationalization duties (including NCCU-UST Forum). DONE  
  8. Attend to A Different View.  DONE
  9. Rewatch old BLs related to study.  DONE
Objectives for next week:
  1. Do notes for Swingewood A Short History of Sociological Thought  
  2. Read and write response for Aram Hur - Naratives of Civic Duty
  3. Read and do notes for David Grusky Social Stratification
  4. Read and do notes for Hsiao - East Asian Middle Classes
  5. Read and do notes for Leach - Political Systems of Highland Burma
  6. Read and do notes for Castells - The Rise of the Network Society
  7. Read and do notes for Harvey - The Condition of Post Modernity
  8. Attend to internationalization duties (including NCCU-UST Forum).  
  9. Attend to A Different View.  
  10. Rewatch old BLs related to study. 

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