
Monday, October 26, 2015

IR 3POL3 Online Forum

For online discussion all 3Pol3 IR are expected to participate in this online debate.


  1. Each student must propose one constructive argument which contains a thesis and basic premises (reasons). 
  2. Each student must provide a rebuttal on an unrebutted constructive argument.  (To be counted, this must be posted as a reply to the comment.).
  3. Each student may use only 1 complex-compound sentence to propose a constructive argument and for a separate rebuttal   
  4. E.g. Japan comitted countless atrocities during WWII, because of this, States, both powerful and less cannot trust her with military expansion, thus prohibiting her from becoming an international military humanitarian intervenor.  E.g.  Humanitarian intervention is international practical aid, countries such as Syria require military intervention to restore the lives of refugees, hence there is a need to allow willing countries to help.
  5. 5 pts for constructive arguments (evaluated on logical possibility and connection of ideas).
  6. 5 pts on rebuttal (evaluated on its capacity to actually dismantle the constructive argument.
  7. Use the 4th reading as influential reference.
  8. Posting is until 10:00 a.m. of October 28, 2015 (Tuesday). 
  9. Undiplomatic rebuttals get auto 0.

Motion:  This house believes that war is necessary.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

IR 3POL2 Online Forum

For online discussion all 3Pol2 IR are expected to participate in this online debate.


  1. Each student must propose one constructive argument which contains a thesis and basic premises (reasons). 
  2. Each student must provide a rebuttal on an unrebutted constructive argument.  (To be counted, this must be posted as a reply to the comment.).
  3. Each student may use only 1 complex-compound sentence to propose a constructive argument and for a separate rebuttal   
  4. E.g. Japan comitted countless atrocities during WWII, because of this, States, both powerful and less cannot trust her with military expansion, thus prohibiting her from becoming an international military humanitarian intervenor.  E.g.  Humanitarian intervention is international practical aid, countries such as Syria require military intervention to restore the lives of refugees, hence there is a need to allow willing countries to help.
  5. 5 pts for constructive arguments (evaluated on logical possibility and connection of ideas).
  6. 5 pts on rebuttal (evaluated on its capacity to actually dismantle the constructive argument.
  7. Use the 4nd reading as influential reference.
  8. Posting is until 5:00 p.m. of October 27, 2015 (Tuesday). 
  9. Undiplomatic rebuttals get auto 0.

Motion:  The United Nations must uphold peace at the cost of injustice.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Final Paper Topic Race 3POL2

Post core state here.

No replication of state.
Posting starts at 3:00 p.m. October 16, 2015.

Final Paper Topic Race 3POL1

Post core state here.
No replication of state.
Posting starts at 3:00 p.m. October 15, 2015.

Monday, October 12, 2015

1POL Race for hunted alumni contact.

All three (3) sections.
Post your name and the name of your alumni contact.
COMPLETE NAME, Surnames first.
Posting starts 10:00 a.m., October 13, 2015.
No repetition across all three sections.
I'll deal with the last stragglers who do not get an alumni due to the population difference.

3Pol3 Final Paper Topic Race

Post core state here.
No replication of state.
Posting starts at 10:00 a.m. October 13, 2015.

3Pol3 Final Paper Topic Race

Post core state here.
No replication of state.
Posting starts at 10:00 a.m. October 13, 2015.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

IR 3Pol3 Debate 3

Motion: Developed countries should pay for climate plans of developing countries.

You know the Verdict for NO DEBATE.