
Sunday, October 25, 2015

IR 3POL2 Online Forum

For online discussion all 3Pol2 IR are expected to participate in this online debate.


  1. Each student must propose one constructive argument which contains a thesis and basic premises (reasons). 
  2. Each student must provide a rebuttal on an unrebutted constructive argument.  (To be counted, this must be posted as a reply to the comment.).
  3. Each student may use only 1 complex-compound sentence to propose a constructive argument and for a separate rebuttal   
  4. E.g. Japan comitted countless atrocities during WWII, because of this, States, both powerful and less cannot trust her with military expansion, thus prohibiting her from becoming an international military humanitarian intervenor.  E.g.  Humanitarian intervention is international practical aid, countries such as Syria require military intervention to restore the lives of refugees, hence there is a need to allow willing countries to help.
  5. 5 pts for constructive arguments (evaluated on logical possibility and connection of ideas).
  6. 5 pts on rebuttal (evaluated on its capacity to actually dismantle the constructive argument.
  7. Use the 4nd reading as influential reference.
  8. Posting is until 5:00 p.m. of October 27, 2015 (Tuesday). 
  9. Undiplomatic rebuttals get auto 0.

Motion:  The United Nations must uphold peace at the cost of injustice.


  1. It is in the United Nation's Charter that its central purpose is to uphold peace (i.e to prevent war) and this is what the member states have agreed upon, therefore, unless the organization makes amendments on its Charter approved by its member states, the UN must uphold peace even at the cost of injustice.

    1. The Charter does not need amendment because it already highlights the equality between men and women, nations large and small, and therefore justice should not be foregone for peace as it is also important in maintaining International Law which prevents the formation of conflicts among states which can lead to future wars.

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    The United Nations main purpose is to uphold peace, but if in doing so, may cause injustice, then it is negating its own purpose therefore losing their essence and also the end does not justify the means.

    1. The UN's purpose is to uphold and maintain the peace time, it is not that it is negating its purpose because practically it pursues its main objective by deterring aggressions, so as to speak whether or not an action is just or unjust and then if it is for the sake of maintaining its purpose, the UN does not lose its essence but rather upholds its virtues.

  5. Naval, Andre V.

    The United Nations must avoid war to maintain peace, if in the event that war erupts acts must be taken to avoid it, and if it is at the cost of justice avoiding war and maintaining peace is the decision of the United Nations over choosing to uphold justice.

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  7. In the process of upholding justice, the United Nations may be faced with hard decisions regarding injustices, but despite all this, they must still achieve peace whether or not it is just.

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    2. Ragos, Daniel A.

      The United Nations has certain measures to follow in the process of maintaining peace, and the five permanent members of the security council are capable of maintaining peace while upholding justice, hence there is no need to commit injustice while maintaining peace.

    3. Acuña, Kaisser John P.
      The utilization of unjust ways contradicts the United Nation's ideas, and their objective was to promote peace and security with compliance to principles of justice and international law, according to the article one of the UN charter, thus, UN must uphold peace in times of injustice.

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  8. Mariano, Carlos Paul A.

    The sole function of the United Nations is to prevent wars and to uphold peace, and they have a commitment not to the aim of making sure that war is waged if and only if it is just, but rather to preserve the existing international order, whether the order's just or unjust, hence the United Nations must still uphold peace even if it is at the cost of justice.

    1. Luna, John Ralf

      Upholding peace through justice is the reason why UN was made, using unjust methods violates the principle of justice by the UN, therefore UN must also maintain peace through a justifiable way

  9. The United Nations was formed to maintain international peace and security, therefore, if preventing and removing threats towards maintaining that peace require doing an injustice towards other nations, such an act is justified so long as the UN upholds its purpose.

    1. Andaya, Graziella J.
      The main purpose of the UN Charter stated in Article 1 is to maintain international peace and to take an effective collective measure for the suppression of acts of aggression and removal of threats. So by saying that the United Nations should do injustice in order to uphold peace is a contradiction to the sole purpose of the organization. And by doing injustice to a nation is a clear depiction of aggression.

  10. BUMIDANG, Jericho Clint G.

    The United Nations was created from the core idea of peace and to prevent any actions that will threaten it, the biggest threat was war and wars can never be eradicated but can be prevented, hence any act of injustice by the United Nations for the sole purpose of preventing war and maintaining of peace or international order can be justified for the it is its responsibility and main purpose for its creation.

    1. Guerzon, Agustin III D.
      The United Nations does strictly follow the rule of law hence, any act of injustice will immediately mean that UN has failed its duty to uphold international law by committing injustice for the sake of peace.

    2. Bumidang, Jericho Clint G.
      Failing or falling short to it's purpose of maintaining peace is the main criteria that UN has failed its duty, for justice will and always be injustice for the accused, hence with the idea of justice and injustice unclear UN would stick to its mission of maintaining peace

  11. Guerzon, Agustin III D.
    The United Nations is an Organization that promotes international peace through following the international laws and having the just process in settling disputes in International Court of Justice, therefore UN cannot use injustice to uphold peace because by doing so it has already failed to do its purpose.

    1. Mariano, Carlos Paul A.

      The central purpose of the United Nations Charter is to prevent war not to promote "lasting peace", and in the prevention of war justice as a principle cannot always be adhered to.

  12. Matola, Gabriel T.

    United Nations' priority is to maintain the peace, it is by the order of maintaining peace even prima facie injustice, according to the UN Charter it moves to suppress acts of aggression to prevent conflicts, thus justice only comes after.

    1. Achievement of peace by doing other countries an injustice is contradictory, the unjust act would not lead to a peaceful resolution of conflict, but rather serve to add more tension to the situation, the exact opposite of what the UN Charter's central purpose which is to prevent war and remove threats to peace.

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  13. Luna, John Ralf

    It is stated in the UN charter that in upholding peace must be done with justice and international law as the central thought, therefore the use of injustice towards its members violates its raison d'etre, thus injustice is not a viable option for the UN in upholding peace.

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    2. LEE, Zarina Christine G.

      If upholding justice will lead to a bigger threat to peace, further acts of aggression and involvement of pacific countries into a dispute, the “justice” of that action becomes questionable or worse negated and reversed into an unjust action, therefore, it is possible that “justice” will be a bigger violation to UN’s raison d’etre than injustice.

  14. Lopez, Benedict S.

    Peace and International order are the two major concerns of The United Nations, in order to uphold and protect the said concerns, justice as also one of the guiding principles as stated in the UN charter, the United Nations must act and fulfill its duties while also abiding to its principles.

    1. Naval, Andre V.
      It is stated in the United Nations Charter that it's first Article is to maintain peace, yes both peace and justice are part of it's principles but if the former is compromised the latter principle is disregarded for the United Nations it's primary goal is preventing war not promoting justice.

  15. Justice is subjective, in the sense that one group's idea of justice is different from another group's idea of justice, and as the United Nations' primary purpose is to maintain a lasting peace and not to appease every nation who feels slighted, then it cannot be blamed for whatever actions it has taken or will take for the sake of achieving its goal, even if it does come at the price of injustice.

    1. Being members of the United Nations, they are to follow its guidelines and principles (eg. International Law), and for the UN there is a need for justice and the presence of moral obligations, therefore even though justice is subjective there is still moral obligations to consider.


    The United Nations does not have the power to tell which country deserves justice and which country does not, because it is also stated in their peacekeeping approach that it strengthens police, justice, and corrections institutions, so therefore the United Nations itself believes that there is no peace without justice.

    1. Policing nations without injustice is utopic since more issues evolve as one issue arise and there are times that these issues may be resolved and peace may be promoted from these injustices, its stand may be the impossibility of peace without justice but in the idealistic terms of how the United Nations addresses these problems, justice does not necessarily promote peace.

    2. BUMIDANG, Jericho Clint G.
      Peace is the main purpose of UN and therefore should uphold it, justice is deserved by anyone and with this said justice will be injustice to those accused, peace even with the injustice of others (i.e accused nations) is justified as the UN is following its main reason of creation which is to attain peace, hence calling an act of UN to attain peace as injustice will also be injustice for it is only acting base on its purpose to maintain peace.

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  18. Lasting peace cannot exist with the use of injustice, and peace upheld at the cost of injustice risks having future wars emerging from the slighted parties, which can cause the aim of the United Nations to attain peace be futile, therefore true peace can only be achieved with justice.

    1. There will always be slighted parties in every negotiation and looking for an agreement that entirely satisfies all the involved parties' sense of justice and injustice is hopeless as justice is ultimately subjective and dependent on a group and its idealogy; as long as the UN upholds its goal of maintaining peace then actions taken by it are only in fulfillment of its duty.

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  20. DUNGAO, Carlos Daniel S.
    Injustice may be a cost of the campaign as the United Nations' campaign for peace progresses since this campaign may also be a source of justice, basing from the roots of peace it had transcended, justice may follow as peace is promoted and continued for the welfare of all nations.

    1. The United Nations is supposed to uphold peace, but in upholding this, they must avoid causing injustices because no matter what the outcome is, it does not justify the means of achieving said peace.

  21. Acuña, Kaisser John P.
    Since peace and justice are dependent with each other due to the fact that justice must be acquired in order to attain peace, and one of the powers that was vested in the United Nations is to take action with regards to peace and security, therefore, UN must uphold peace at the cost of injustice.

    1. MANALANG, Ariane Sisley L.
      Justice is not required to attain peace, in fact, the Delahunty and Yoo stated that the goals, order and justice, are often at odds and having said that, the Charter definitely prioritizes peace when confronted with a dilemma between order and justice.

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  22. MANALANG, Ariane Sisley L.
    Ideally, the United Nations avoids any injustice; however, it is stated in the Charter's first article that the UN's purpose is to effectively prevent and remove threats to peace, and for as long as a measure prevents or removes any threat to peace, it would not matter if one perceives it as just or unjust as justice is a subjective concept.

    1. BELGIRA, Cielo B.

      It was stated in the United Nations Millennium Declaration that member states recognize their individual responsibility by upholding the Charter's purposes and principles. These are by which arriving at peace settlements in accordance with the principles of justice. They are highly emphasizing a just and lasting peace, therefore United Nations obviates threats to peace through justifiable means.

    2. TAGUINOD, Carla Michaela B.

      Be that as it may, the relativity concept of justice could commence conflict or war between states making it a significant aspect that United Nations should look into thus upholding peace even at the cost injustice would result into unending contention between international actors.

  23. Ragos, Daniel A.

    The five permanent members of the Security Council are capable of maintaining peace with measures different from what the United Nations suggests, and the removal of threats to peace may require unjust measures, therefore justice may not be served all the time regarding the maintenance of peace.

    1. SANTOS, Jasmine Lanei B.
      Coined as the United Nations' most powerful body, the five's permanent membership in the UN Security Council would seem to be in question if these powerful members, collectively or not, cannot remove threats to peace through just measures that the United Nations would suggest; given the circumstances of incapability, the whole concept of creating this powerful council, apparently, would be put to shame.

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    3. RAGOS, Daniel A.

      Peace is the paramount priority of the United Nations and not the matter of having the right to be honored or dishonored, therefore the law may be surpassed when it comes to upholding peace with unjust measures.

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  25. Gañola,Loverly Anne V.

    The United Nations prioritises peace over justice; however, it does not entirely mean that it promotes injustices, or any other ideas that a state must compromise all other notions in the name of peace, which will therefore defeat the sole purpose of the UN in its quest for peace.

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  27. ANDAYA, Graziella J.

    Peace and Justice are intertwined with each other, achieving peace is not possible without justice. Hence, upholding peace through injustice would result into chaos; for coercion would lead into war and the promotion of peace by the United Nations would be futile. However, the goal of the United Nations is to prevent war and promote peace not to promote justice and to correct injustice. But in doing such actions, one must be inclined to do the right thing in order for peace to arise. Therefore, the United Nations must not uphold peace at the cost of injustice.

    1. Gañola, Loverly Anne V.
      If they are intertwined to each other, how can the United Nations uphold its sole purpose given that in some predicaments they must forgo justice just to attain peace; by the statement that one must be inclined to do the right thing how could doing injustice be tantamount to doing something "right"?

  28. SANTOS, Jasmine Lanei B.

    Although the UN does not deny actions that would promote justice, clearly it still holds that maintaining peace and order, consequently preventing emergence of war, as its central purpose; hence, peace, as a highly-valued status of the international arena, is ought to be maintained even if acts of injustice would occur in the said arena.

    1. Justice is also one of the core principles of the United Nations, hence in maintaining peace and order, UN having justice as one of its basic yet also an importance principle, if disregarded and taken for granted it would result to an unjust order, consequently failing to fulfill its role in international arena which is to maintain order as its highest priority in International relations.

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  31. UY, Mariel Encar H.

    The General Assembly reasserted their faith in the organization and vowed their collective responsibility for maintaining peace among its member states in the United Nations Millennium Declaration last September 8 2000; however, upholding the justice among human dignity, equality and equity is global in scale which makes it permissible and inevitable to commit injustice among its other member states for the benefit of the greater scale.

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  33. TAGUINOD, Carla Michaela B.

    Given that one of the reasons why United Nations is established was to maintain international peace therefore it should not uphold peace even at the cost of injustice because this might trigger the emergence of conflict between states especially considering the fact that injustice is a relative concept and if this happens, this certain aspiration of the organization will not be achieved or there will be an unending battle or argument between actors involve.

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    2. FELIX, Dave Darren V.
      The cost of injustice may be present if the purpose is the maintenance of peace, compliance of the law may be disregarded just to maintain peace.

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  35. DULDULAO, Marc Christian D.

    Achieving peace has been a never ending issue that the world is facing until today. It is the role of the United Nations to support or defend peace over such many conflicts existed and existing. But to say that the United Nations to uphold peace at the cost of injustice is something I think incongruous because one cannot achieve real peace from a wrong manner of doing so. One possible thing that could happen in upholding peace by injustice means is that it may create another conflict or may worsen the situation. Nevertheless, the United Nations does not invoke the justice means of upholding peace but I think peace is said to be reached if one attains it in a just way.

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    Maintaining peace through justice, mandated in its Charter, is the main purpose of the United Nations; having say so, all internal and external threats that hinder peace, including injustice, within the international arena are concerned and addressed by the organization and this is the reason why it will not uphold peace at the cost of injustice.

    1. UY, Mariel Encar H.

      United Nations honours and practices the Principle of Sovereignty - it is committed not to meddle and intervene within the state’s internal affairs (which may include threats that hinder peace); however, if the states may impose external threat that will cause proclivity of belligerence to other states and dismantle the international order, this is when United Nations assume its function.


    Since the United Nations has mentioned that its main goal is the promotion of international peace, it should prioritize peace before upholding justice, but should only consider actions which can result to injustice as its final resort; thus, it should still prioritize promoting justice even if injustice will be its result.

    1. The United Nations' promotion of international peace by the means of avoidance of war does not only impede the pursuance of a long-lasting peace but also permits obscure humanitarian injustices, hence the United Nations must not uphold peace at the cost of injustice; it must sacrifice this status quo of a peaceful international order to address injustice and vouch for a long-term peace.

    2. An international peace achieved without the merits of justice is false peace, in reverse logic, the sole promotion of justice within each nation's actions supersedes international peace; thus, prioritization of diplomatic responses results to the deterrence of injustice.

  39. The maintenance of peace within the hands of the major powers and in separate action from the UN would lead to an anarchic pattern of peace continuance; because in status quo, entropic states like Syria is being meddled by forces coming from the permanent members, but these 'reinforcements' are actually making the situation worse like those of Russia's, intervention of major powers both U.S and Russia only supply both the rebel forces and incumbent government, which logically defeats subsistence at the end of the day.

  40. BELGIRA, Cielo B.

    To further sustain the existence of peace, it should be in conformity of the principles of justice and international law since the absence of justice in itself also violates United Nations' core purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter; therefore nullifying UN's existence. These purposes and principles have agreed upon member-states thus United Nations' aims like upholding peace must always be inclined with justice.

  41. The United Nations' eschewal of war as a means to uphold peace ensures negative peace which merely maintains the status quo of the absence of violence but fails to address the imminent causes of this violence that continue to cause undisclosed injustice, thus the UN's charter must be amended, enabling it to employ humanitarian military intervention that would guarantee an inclusive and enduring positive peace.


      The UN, which consists of intellectual members from different parts of the globe, can address the cause of violence and injustices yet does not necessarily respond to these issues due to a conflict that it may cause among and within its members; thus the proposal to amend the Charter to promote positive peace cannot be considered as the immediate need but an effective law that can first address and regulate its members' immediate concerns for them to have an enduring positive peace.

  42. DATILES, Nickie P.

    The united nation is said to be the one to instill peace among states and its members, however, in current times, UN is ineffective in terms of avoiding such for hostilities and prejudice still occur and currently unavoidable, in which the UN must take responsibility in upholding peace in cost of injustice.

    1. The United Nations has a so-called Security Council that is in charge of securing and maintaining peace among the members of the UN. However, to be a member requires that one must be militarily, politically and economically capable. Thus it is also expected of them to make decisions that are well-planned. There might be cases like of the Rwandan mass genocide where the United Nations has failed to authorize timely military interventions. But it does not justify that the United Nations is not credible or responsible enough. Hence, they are only going through double standard because engaging through the use of force which is not studied well would most likely cause much more damage than if it has been acted diplomatically.

  43. SALIBA, Stephanie Brianne T.

    United Nations, as stated in article 1 of the charter, prevents threats to the peace as its central purpose. However, the maintenance of peace does not necessarily ascertain the promotion of justice. UN is not a world government thus they cannot force them to adhere to the propositions as they will have a choice whether to follow or not. If evil is used against evil, UN is contradicting itself as an institution preventing escalation of armed conflicts and a pacifist organization.

    1. DULDULAO, Marc Christian D.

      Indeed, that the United Nations is not a world government and they cannot force states to adhere to its propositions but the members of the United Nations must adhere to the peace agreements for they have voted and agreed upon it. On the other hand, according to Yoo and Delahunty in their article "From Just War to False Peace" that war can be use as way to promote peace and prevent war but as a last resort.


    The main goal of the UN Charter pursues on the prevention of war. Hence, the promotion of justice or the correction of injustice would take away its goal from its central purpose. For promoting justice would most likely invite wars or movements against the current political and territorial order. Thus, to change the status quo is contradicting to the aims of the Security Council toward ‘value conservation’ which is looked upon as a standard for determining a justifiable reason for the use of force. Moreover, any form of force used in the international arena without the Council’s justification is a manifestation of injustice. Therefore, the United Nations must not uphold peace at the cost of injustice.

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    Upholding peace entitles the United Nations to a number of means that they could utilize in order to achieve such but injustices created while pursuing this is detrimental to the lasting security and peace that the United Nations swore to protect as the organization had always wanted peace to reign in the world; a Pyrrhic victory is eminent and in the long run if there is injustice, true and lasting peace will never be achieved and according to the United Nations Peacekeeping website, justice is a transport to achieving peace.

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      Although justice may be a transport in attaining peace, the ‘true and lasting peace’ that will be achieved is nothing short of a power play that states comprising the United Nations are indirectly participating; where an inferior state acts in accordance with the superior state.

  47. FELIX, Dave Darren V.
    With the international court of justice as a united nation's judicial organ, it is for the organization to maintain and promote peace, therefore, the concept of injustice contradicts with the United Nation's idea of peace.


      In this case, I concede that it is contradicting its principle but if you’ll look at it a bigger picture, maybe in this way forward is the only way on how they can achieve their main objective. Thus, injustice in this manner doesn’t necessarily mean that it no longer promotes or maintains peace but at some extent UN has to take risks in order to achieve their goal, which is definitely for the betterment of majority, even if one perceives it just or not.

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    Since United Nations was formed to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security, even at the cost of injustice, it must pursue its natural inclination to uphold peace; it would be seen as choosing a lesser evil.


      UN’s natural inclination to uphold peace at all costs, even in the cost of injustice, is quite ironic to their main purpose as peace for the United Nations is not just peace that can be eroded in time; it is peace that is beneficial and lasting for the generations to come and if in the long run, injustice will remain then it is like peace was never upheld to begin with.

  49. SIGUA, Xanthy Mae G.

    It is clear that UN upholding peace at the cost of injustice should be inexistent, since in the United Nations' charter, it was stated that peace adheres to the principle of justice, and considering that all operations are consented by member-states, which conformed to this peace agreement, inconformity with the said principle will deny a part in the exclusivity of the agreement.


      Having said that all operations in the United Nations are consented by its member-states which indeed has conformed to this peace agreement we should also consider why the UN was created and that is to promote peace and security. Considering that every member-states have agreed, no matter what they have decided, all member-states should follow as well because given the fact that they are bounded by an agreement they would do anything to achieve their main objective if that's what it takes.


    Impeccably, it is said in the first article that the United Nations central purposes are to maintain peace and security, in which the fact that all member states have agreed upon. However, realistically speaking, if it takes doing unjust to uphold peace then it would not matter as long as the goal is achieved whether if one views it just or not.

    1. SIGUA, Xanthy Mae G.

      In working for peace among nations, the UN still adheres to the Charter that honors the principle of justice, negative circumstances such as unjust measures that may hinder the said principle cannot just be neglected, for it may mean forfeiting the essence of the Charter's principles.


    The United Nations was created in order to maintain worldwide peace and security, thus, UN must still be committed to its purpose as long as it is to sustain international order despite causing injustice as far as the peace and security of the whole is concerned.

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      Causing Injustice as far as the peace is concerned is contradicting for UN aims true peace that is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. Lasting peace is attained if there is an access to justice, and worldwide peace will not emerge if justice will not be given enough priority by UN, because it is like simply saying that it passively accepts evil for it still causes injustice.


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