
Monday, February 15, 2016

LM PGC Class Learning Task and Outcome - Election Debate

We will finish class group presentations when I get back.

For now:

Read Articles IV and V of the Philippine Constitution.
Read news and related articles on the Presidentiables of the upcoming Philippine National Elections.
Read on Grace Poe's citizenship qualification case.

This is matter-loading in parliamentary debate, wherein participants research and get to know possible facts of the debate questions.

We will have a class debate on the following points:

  • Should Grace Poe be allowed to run as President of the Philippines?
  • Should qualifications for voters be changed?  Which ones should be removed?
  • Should additional qualifications for voters be required?  What qualifications?
Debate will be done once all groups are done with presentations.

We will follow the Rubric for individual recitations as can be found in the course syllabus.  Read and prepare.  Good luck and God bless.

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