
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Writing Chapter V:

Chapter V Concludes the argument, but not the manuscript.
It contains the Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations.


This presents a short narrative from chapter I to Chapter IV.  There should be a range from 6 to 10 very short paragraphs for this.  1 to 2 paragraphs detailing each chapter.  When you write, you do not refer to the chapter number, but rather, narrate the journey of your thesis.  Tell how it came about, what the problem was, the objective and significance.  Of course in a summarized manner (1 paragraph may be enough).  This is followed by information on chapter 2.  This will be 1 to 2 paragraphs.  Highlight the themes and the significant authors and their findings.  At the end, mention how your thesis fills the gap of information in the progress of the literature on the topic.  After which will be a very short narration of what you did to gather data.  Sample would be… “The researchers visited city N to interview x number of residents.  This was for the pupose of describing the case of institutionalization of gay marriage…”  This part will range from 1 to 2 paragraphs depending on how many methods of data gathering used (e.g. some have interviews with 2 sets of people, some have 1 set of interview, and 1 set of fgd).  Last set of pragraphs summarizes chapter 4.  Simply gloss over what you have found.  What diagrams or tables are worth mentioning.
The conclusion should be 2 (at the very most, 3) average sized paragraphs.  Begin by making a very short narrative of the data gathering process or a very short description of the locale or phenomenon.  (E,g,  talk about media, or solid waste management…)  That’s just a couple of sentences.  Follow this with:  “The researchers conclude that (affirm the thesis statement).  Furthermore, this is supported by the following:  provide a summary of the findings as they answer the sub questions.  You may modify the wording, just follow the gist.  One principle to take note is that the conclusion should clearly and directly answer the statement of the problem.  They should match.  This is done in discussion format, where you address questions with answers in paragraph form (in contrast to the statement of the problem which was in paragraph followed by list).


In writing the recommendations, you don’t use subheadings.  But make sure that you have distinct paragraphs.
So what do you recommend?  There are at least some classes that I can name.  Theories, Norms, Procedures, New Researches, and Policy.

Theories: are new ideas that you found from the analyzed data.  Some are modifications to theories.  Some are suggestions to further analyze and test the theory as previously mentioned in Chapter 1.  This is the pinnacle of humanities research writers.

Norms: are suggested social guidelines regarding a particular topic.  They may also include new values and goals for groups of people.  E.g.  New Vision Mission for organizations, new values for residents.  Again, these should be based on the findings.

Procedures: are suggested new practices for people.  Again, based on findings, are suggested means to accomplish desired results.  Some of you might have asked “how questions”  these procedures can be helpful to people and organizations, mostly mentioned in the Significance of the Study.
New Researches: are suggestions for further research on the topic. Some of these are based on your limitations, some based on what you did not do in the methodology (if you are quali, you can suggest a quanti – note why?).  Some might be based on new ideas that came out while gathering data.

Policy: as social scientists, this is the pinnacle of research.  What new policies can you suggest to the government?  Why?  Again this is based on the data you found.

The writing of the recommendation is in paragraph discussion, where you make your suggestions to x, and justify them.  DO BOT JUST GIVE SIMPLE SUGGESTIONS, make sure you discuss and justify clear and in detail.

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