
Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Pol 201 PPTs

Link to important powerpoints.

Please note that they are not for the purpose of ready-to-eat meals.  They are guides.  Use the concepts to guide you.  They are not spoon fed data.

These powerpoints use, as much as possible, the rule of 7 of the Zen style.  7 lines per slide, 7 words per line.  One of the proper ways of doing a ppt.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Form for Panel Member Appointment

For thesis pairs.

Download, edit, print 2x the form.

Have it signed by sir Dennis.

If he's not available, have me sign.

Photocopy: 2 orig goes to each panel. 1 copy for sir Dennis, 1 copy for your file, 1 copy for your thesis 1 prof

Thesis Defense Update: Montemayor Replacement

All those with on-leave panels should see Prof. Castillo ASAP.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

3Pol2 Geographic Points of International Relations and Dynamics

Post area of International concern here.

Marks will be given for:

Uniqueness (No repetition.) 5pts
Organized Data (Data can be comprehended at a glance.) 5pts
Relevance of Information (What can we use the information for?) 5pts

Use IR jargon.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

3Pol1 Geographic Points of International Relations and Dynamics

Post area of International concern here.

Marks will be given for:

Uniqueness (No repetition.) 5pts
Organized Data (Data can be comprehended at a glance.) 5pts
Relevance of Information (What can we use the information for?) 5pts

Use IR jargon.

Monday, November 23, 2015

3Pol3 Geographic Points of International Relations and Dynamics

Post area of International concern here.

Marks will be given for:

Uniqueness (No repetition.) 5pts
Organized Data (Data can be comprehended at a glance.) 5pts
Relevance of Information (What can we use the information for?) 5pts

Use IR jargon.

Monday, October 26, 2015

IR 3POL3 Online Forum

For online discussion all 3Pol3 IR are expected to participate in this online debate.


  1. Each student must propose one constructive argument which contains a thesis and basic premises (reasons). 
  2. Each student must provide a rebuttal on an unrebutted constructive argument.  (To be counted, this must be posted as a reply to the comment.).
  3. Each student may use only 1 complex-compound sentence to propose a constructive argument and for a separate rebuttal   
  4. E.g. Japan comitted countless atrocities during WWII, because of this, States, both powerful and less cannot trust her with military expansion, thus prohibiting her from becoming an international military humanitarian intervenor.  E.g.  Humanitarian intervention is international practical aid, countries such as Syria require military intervention to restore the lives of refugees, hence there is a need to allow willing countries to help.
  5. 5 pts for constructive arguments (evaluated on logical possibility and connection of ideas).
  6. 5 pts on rebuttal (evaluated on its capacity to actually dismantle the constructive argument.
  7. Use the 4th reading as influential reference.
  8. Posting is until 10:00 a.m. of October 28, 2015 (Tuesday). 
  9. Undiplomatic rebuttals get auto 0.

Motion:  This house believes that war is necessary.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

IR 3POL2 Online Forum

For online discussion all 3Pol2 IR are expected to participate in this online debate.


  1. Each student must propose one constructive argument which contains a thesis and basic premises (reasons). 
  2. Each student must provide a rebuttal on an unrebutted constructive argument.  (To be counted, this must be posted as a reply to the comment.).
  3. Each student may use only 1 complex-compound sentence to propose a constructive argument and for a separate rebuttal   
  4. E.g. Japan comitted countless atrocities during WWII, because of this, States, both powerful and less cannot trust her with military expansion, thus prohibiting her from becoming an international military humanitarian intervenor.  E.g.  Humanitarian intervention is international practical aid, countries such as Syria require military intervention to restore the lives of refugees, hence there is a need to allow willing countries to help.
  5. 5 pts for constructive arguments (evaluated on logical possibility and connection of ideas).
  6. 5 pts on rebuttal (evaluated on its capacity to actually dismantle the constructive argument.
  7. Use the 4nd reading as influential reference.
  8. Posting is until 5:00 p.m. of October 27, 2015 (Tuesday). 
  9. Undiplomatic rebuttals get auto 0.

Motion:  The United Nations must uphold peace at the cost of injustice.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Final Paper Topic Race 3POL2

Post core state here.

No replication of state.
Posting starts at 3:00 p.m. October 16, 2015.

Final Paper Topic Race 3POL1

Post core state here.
No replication of state.
Posting starts at 3:00 p.m. October 15, 2015.

Monday, October 12, 2015

1POL Race for hunted alumni contact.

All three (3) sections.
Post your name and the name of your alumni contact.
COMPLETE NAME, Surnames first.
Posting starts 10:00 a.m., October 13, 2015.
No repetition across all three sections.
I'll deal with the last stragglers who do not get an alumni due to the population difference.

3Pol3 Final Paper Topic Race

Post core state here.
No replication of state.
Posting starts at 10:00 a.m. October 13, 2015.

3Pol3 Final Paper Topic Race

Post core state here.
No replication of state.
Posting starts at 10:00 a.m. October 13, 2015.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

IR 3Pol3 Debate 3

Motion: Developed countries should pay for climate plans of developing countries.

You know the Verdict for NO DEBATE.

Monday, September 28, 2015

3Pol1 IR Debate 2

Motion is:

This house believes that: Regional Co-ordination against IS is the solution.

Reminder: Debate, don't report.

Be original, use your readings and research to support your thoughts..

Sunday, September 27, 2015

3Pol3 Debate 2

China's soft and hard power combined will lead to East and Southeast Asian Hegemony.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

1POL Online Activity

For all 1POL

Non graded activity, only for true blooded Spartans.

Follow the link and take the test.  It will reveal your political color.

It's just a personality test.  More of political personality test.


  • Assume that the setting is U.S. when in doubt with the question.
  • Answer your Real POV (Point of View), not the Ideal.
  • Don't forget to get your certificate.  Save and print it.  Your Political leanings change over time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

3POL2 IR Debate 2

Motion is:

This House Believes That: vehicle companies must answer to international civil liability for carbon emissions.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

3Pol1 IR Online Forum

For online discussion all 3Pol1 IR are expected to participate in this online debate.


  1. Each student must propose one constructive argument which contains a thesis and basic premises (reasons). 
  2. Each student must provide a rebuttal on an unrebutted constructive argument.  (To be counted, this must be posted as a reply to the comment.).
  3. Each student may use only 1 complex-compound sentence to propose a constructive argument and for a separate rebuttal   
  4. E.g. Japan comitted countless atrocities during WWII, because of this, States, both powerful and less cannot trust her with military expansion, thus prohibiting her from becoming an international military humanitarian intervenor.  E.g.  Humanitarian intervention is international practical aid, countries such as Syria require military intervention to restore the lives of refugees, hence there is a need to allow willing countries to help.
  5. 5 pts for constructive arguments (evaluated on logical possibility and connection of ideas).
  6. 5 pts on rebuttal (evaluated on its capacity to actually dismantle the constructive argument.
  7. Use the 2nd reading as influential reference.
  8. Posting is from 6:00 p.m. of September 22, 2015 until 6:00 p.m. of September 23, 2015. 
  9. Undiplomatic rebuttals get auto 0.

Motion:  This house believes that international law is a sham.

Chapter 1 PowerPoint Pol 201

Link to Chapt 1 PPT

Sunday, September 20, 2015

IR 3POL3 Debate

Read on the topic of the new Japanese security bill, and expansion of armed forces.  Also read Japanese Constitution Article 9.

We need six volunteers for tomorrow morning.

Debate format:  Asian Parliamentary

Motion is:  "This house will prevent Japan's expansion of military role in Asia.."

This is a thematic motion.  Meaning, the text "this house" needs to be set by the government.  E.g.  China will prevent Japan's expansion of military role in Asia".  Pls be sure not to "squirrel", which means, defining "this house" in such a way that the motion becomes undebatable.

You may form your own teams.

Post your triad on the comment along with your chosen side (government or opposition).

First to post reserves the side.  E.g. a group of students posts their names and chose OPPOSITION.

Next group has to be government.

BEST DEBATER gets a souvenir from Cambodia.

This will be a practice round.  But depending on the performance, a student or group can be exempted on the next rounds.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

3POL2 IR Debate

Read on the topic of U.S. State Visit to China, along with Philippine-U.S. relations, Philippine-China relations, and U.S.-China relations.

We need six volunteers for tomorrow night.

Debate format:  Asian Parliamentary

Motion is:  "This house applauds U.S. state visit to China."

This is a themeatic motion.  Meaning, the text "this house" needs to be set by the government.  E.g.  The United Nations applauds U.S. state visit to China.  Pls be sure not to "squirrel", which means, defining "this house" in such a way that the motion becomes undebatable.

You may form your own teams.

Post your triad on the comment along with your chosen side (government or opposition).

First to post reserves the side.  E.g. a group of students posts their names and chose OPPOSITION.

Next group has to be government.

This will be a practice round.  But depending on the performance, a student or group can be exempted on the next rounds.

Monday, September 07, 2015

3Pol1 IR Debate

Read on the topic of the Syrian Crisis, Australia's Refugee Policy and Europe's current concern on refugees.

I'm calling for six volunteers for tomorrow night.

Debate format:  Asian Parliamentary

Motion is:  "States should adopt a pro active refugee policy."

You may form your own teams.

Post your triad on the comment along with your chosen side (government or opposition).

First to post reserves the side.  E.g. a group of students posts their names and chose OPPOSITION.

Next group has to be government.

This will be a practice round.  But depending on the performance, a student or group can be exempted on the next rounds.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

For IPOL: On Paper Writing

Read the Evil Geniuses of Essay Writing (there's a link in the syllabus) along with the following blog posts.

These will help you with your papers.  We'll have a workshop on paper writing when I get back.

The Big No No's in paper Writing - Committing them merits auto 0

Committing the following will merit an automatic zero / 0 for the finals paper:

  • Poor bibliographic list.
  • Bloated bibliographic list.
  • Using easy answer sites as sources: Wiki, Yahoo Answers or similar sites.
  • Missing in-text citations.
  • More than one unnecessary direct quotes.
  • Uncreative title.
  • Did not follow format.
  • Plagiarized work.  - Unparaphrased but cited material is plagiarized.  
  • Work does not fit the required content (argumentative paper must be argumentative, not simply descriptive.).
  • Grammatical and composition errors that span across the entire paper.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Subject Area Discussion for PGC

This post supplements the reading for 1Lit2, 1CA2, 1CA3 in PGC.

All students may post questins on hard to understand comments for their reviewing.

Pls include your section when posting, and use a professionally made google account.  Not accounts with unrecognizable names.

Friday, August 14, 2015

1POL PGC Online Lecture - Geopolitics and Political Geography

This supplements basic knowledge of PGC for Political Science Majors by intensifying political content skills.

When the disciplines of political science and geography meet, their sub-disciplines are

  • Geopolitics and
  • Political Geography.
Geopolitics is studies how the contours of the earth and other geographic variables affect the relationships between states (international relations).  One example can be the existence of islands west of the Philippines.  These islands are being claimed by China.  Thus it creates conflict or dispute in the relationship of these states.  Not all geopolitical factors lead to conflict.  Some factors can create alliances too.

Another use of geopolitics is on strategic interaction between states and within states.  An example is the use of guerrilla tactics.  Using the environment for advantage.

In terms of Political Geography, this studies how people group themselves based on the contours of the earth or based on geographic factors.  It also studies how the contours of the earth and such other factors affect management or governance.  One example is how do you manage a country with separated ethnic groups based on their geography?

I hope this is able to supplement your assignment.

But I know some might still have questions, so please feel free to post questions on the comments, let's make this online topic interactive.  I might even give recitation points for raising relevant questions.

Research well, and don't forget to cite from where you took the information.  So when you discuss, you cite, "as i've read from or researched from the (book source), (internet source), (resource person).


Why?  Because it is either easy answer source, or some data were not properly cited also within the wiki article.  Be safe than sorry.

You may read it, but don't cite it.  Use it to help you understand, then use a better source.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Race for Diplomacy 3POL3


Submit your chosen diplomat at the comment box.  Don't forget your name.


Charles de Gent, Ambassador of France to the United Nations

Pick across the globe and across time (from past to present).

Presentation is August 20, 2015

Come in formal or business attire.

You are your chosen diplomat.

Submit a good picture of your diplomat to the class president.  Picture files should be filenamed by the name of the diplomat.  Hence mine is Charles de Gent.png or Charles de Gent.jpg or Charles de Gent.gif

You will have 4-5 minutes to present before the class who you are.

Rank and State originated
Who sent you (your head of state)?
Your area of expertise (economy, diplomacy, military, religion, academia, culture, etc).
Your allies and enemies (States and Persons)
Your special skills (negotiations, languages, espionage, management etc.) 

Race for Diplomacy 3POL2


Submit your chosen diplomat at the comment box.  Don't forget your name.


Charles de Gent, Ambassador of France to the United Nations

Pick across the globe and across time (from past to present).

Presentation is August 20, 2015

Come in formal or business attire.

You are your chosen diplomat.

Submit a good picture of your diplomat to the class president.  Picture files should be filenamed by the name of the diplomat.  Hence mine is Charles de Gent.png or Charles de Gent.jpg or Charles de Gent.gif

You will have 4-5 minutes to present before the class who you are.

Rank and State originated
Who sent you (your head of state)?
Your area of expertise (economy, diplomacy, military, religion, academia, culture, etc).
Your allies and enemies (States and Persons)
Your special skills (negotiations, languages, espionage, management etc.) 

Race for Diplomacy 3POL1


Submit your chosen diplomat at the comment box.  Don't forget your name.


Charles de Gent, Ambassador of France to the United Nations

Pick across the globe and across time (from past to present).

Presentation is August 18, 2015

Come in formal or business attire.

You are your chosen diplomat.

Submit a good picture of your diplomat to the class president.  Picture files should be filenamed by the name of the diplomat.  Hence mine is Charles de Gent.png or Charles de Gent.jpg or Charles de Gent.gif

You will have 4-5 minutes to present before the class who you are.

Rank and State originated
Who sent you (your head of state)?
Your area of expertise (economy, diplomacy, military, religion, academia, culture, etc).
Your allies and enemies (States and Persons)
Your special skills (negotiations, languages, espionage, management etc.) 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Welcome 1POL1, 1POL2, and 1POL3 to the gate of the course of kings - POL201.

I look forward to an enjoyable semester with you.

There are two things that I didn't have the time to cover today.  Two misconceptions that I want clarified before we proceed.

1)  None among the three of you are cream over the other.  Being part of 1 section does not make one less or greater than another.  You make yourself what you are here.
2)  There are no major and minor subjects.  There are General Education (Gen Ed) courses common to all programs.  And there are Professional Education (Prof Ed) courses.  Considering one as more important than the other agains cripples you.  Example, you can't write a good thesis (which is Prof Ed) if you did not learn Statistics and English Writing, which are both Gen Ed.

With that dealt with, below are the links that I told you about.  The CV is in MS Word file so you can check out the formats.  Follow the technicality of the format that I used.

Times New Roman 12
Double Spaced
1 inch margin on all four sides
Position the picture as I did.
Stay near to the same picture size.
8 1/2 by 13 (Long Bond)
One one page.

CV will be graded using the following Rubric

Each sleeve in the clearbok will have teo CVs (back to back).


Sample CV:

Monday, June 29, 2015

Legally Blonde Political Analysis

Submissions are moves to until 8:00 pm, June 30, 2015.

Rubrics follow that of V for Vendetta. 

Choose 1 topic. 

  1. Elle Woods' way is better than the Washington way, 
  2. An honest voice is louder than a crowd.
  3. Making a law affecting animal testing is an economic concern. 
  4. Grace was a good person.
  5. Politics is dirty. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

PGC Summer Class Research Activity

Good day, group presentations will be deferred to Monday and the Prelim Exam to Thurs next week.

For today you will be conducting library cross-referencing.

As informed at the beginning of the class, aside from the book of De Leon, you will be cross-referencing data with two other references:

  1. Constitutional Law and 
  2. Political Law (preferably, by Isagani Cruz)
This activity will measure your cross-referencing skills as well as collaboration with your classmates as a whole.

Pick a particular sub-topic from Articles III, VI, VII, and VIII.  Bill of Rights, Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary.  Example, I pick right against illegal seizure in Bill of Rights.


Go to the library's Civil Law section.  Cross-reference your sub-topic with one of the two books mentioned.  Note:  Constitutional Law covers Bill of Rights, Political Law covers the other 3.

The civil law is more strict on decorum specially on undergraduates.  Be sure to conduct yourselves properly, no noise, unnecessary commotions.  FOR ME TO RECEIVE COMPLAINTS FROM LIBRARIANS WILL DEMERIT THE ENTIRE CLASS HALF OF THE ACTIVITY’S GRADE.  Hence, make sure to remind classmates of appropriate behavior. 

Look for 1) one to two details that the book adds that have not been mentioned by De Leon,  And 2) one case that serves as an example of that sub-topic.  Example, I cross-reference illegal seizures in Constitutional Law, and find out about General Warrants, and there is a case about generel warrants.  

Lastly read about what happened in the case,

Keep a record of these cross-referenced data, it will be presented individually in class through a sharing.

Monday, June 15, 2015

V for Vendatta: Multimedia Viewing Evaluation

Provide an argumentative essay showing your stand on the topic below.  Essay will be graded on how you were able to prove your stand, bot just how you stated your argument.  Hence follow the sequence within the paragraph:  a) declare your argument in a clear and direct sentence.  b) follow with proofs.  Proofs should come from both the film and real life politics.  Choose only one topic.

  • V was right in using violence to change the government.
  • Placing all power in a single political party to govern is best for the state.
  • Government's should fear their people.
  • People should fear their government.
Grades is based on rubric below.  Note that Use of Proofs will be x2, totaling 12 pts for this activity.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Life of Rizal Powerpoints - 2POL3

Please place in the comments box your group number, topic, members and the url linking to your Google Drive PowerPoint.

Life of Rizal Powerpoints - 2POL2

Please place in the comments box your group number, topic, members and the url linking to your Google Drive PowerPoint.

Life of Rizal - Powerpoints - 2POL1

Please place in the comments box your group number, topic, members and the url linking to your Google Drive PowerPoint.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Successful TDR

Congratulations 2POL for a successful Technical Dress Rehearsal.  It would've been weird if there were no glitches during a TDR.  But again you prove to me your mettle.  The Voices and the Triumvirate report your resilience and perseverance paying off when the TDR went better after the first run.  I've also noted comments that the cast, orchestra, and choir should now practice together.

You did well working on separate parts and putting it together, noting the glitches, and addressing them.  A few days ago you accomplished unifying the entire batch, now you show responsibility as one cohesive unit.  Good job.  The task of conducting the Grand Project definitely bears good outcomes.  I definitely expect more in the next few days.

I won't say that you may take a break tomorrow, but I agree that you should.  You TRULY DESERVE THAT BREAK. 

Again, congratulations 2POL - Rizal Batch 2014-2015.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

PGC (Journalism Class)

Please place in the comments box your group number, topic, members and the url linking to your Google Drive PowerPoint.

PGC (Sociology Class)

Please place in the comments your group number, topic, members and the url linking to your Google Drive PowerPoint.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

PGC (Engineering Class)

Please place in the comments your group number, topic, members and the url linking to your Google Drive PowerPoint.

Friday, April 03, 2015

Sample Table of Themes and Sample Simulacrum

Here are sample tables and simulacrum for the paper.  This was from the thesis of Cabungcal, Del Rosario and Mendoza (2015) which is set for defense this April.

Please note that the last two table used here listed all quotes vertically in one column.  BE REMINDED THAT YOURS WILL BE ARRANGED/LISTED HORIZONTALLY AS MENTIONED IN CLASS.

The Required Table

Sample Simulacrum used in an Actual Thesis

Sample Table Used in an Actual Thesis (1)

Sample Table Used in an Actual Thesis (2)

Sunday, February 08, 2015

15 Minutes of Rizal

Will be done by pair since this require not only political reasoning but also creative skill.

Your Prelim Paper will be a Scene Proposal for your Batch's Year Level Production on the Political Philosophy of Dr. Jose Rizal.

To begin choose a part from one of the following:

  1. The Life of Rizal
  2. Noli Me Tangere
  3. El Filibusterismo

Your goal is to be able to argue using reason and textual proofs that such scene (which includes the setting and characters, and dialogues) portrays a particular political thought.  This is the focal thesis of your paper.  The chosen scene is supposed to cover 15 minutes of the play.

Parts of your paper:

*1st three lines must follow the standard proprietary format of papers as shown in the syllabus.
** Rubric (adapted from Rubistar4teachers) must be copy-pasted after your paper's title.

Click here to get the rubric

  1. Backgrounder - concise and direct statement of the main elements (characters, setting, plot) of the proposed scene.  Tell the reader your chosen scene and what is it literally about.  And declare in the last sentence, what the political thought of the scene is.
  2. Philosophy - detail and explain the political philosophy in that part of Rizal's life or that part of the novel.  Provide short direct quotes  as proof.  You need at least two quotes.  In order to be acceptable, the political thesis must permeate or at least must be a recurring theme throughout the scene.  Aside from this, the message of the theme must be meaningful and applicable to socio-political problems of the times.  Interpretations of the allegory of the novel must be have direct reasons and not be to far of a stretch.
  3. Production Directions - Give life to the political philosophy by describing a) how the scene should look like, b) how the characters should be portrayed, c) a very important dialogue (just a short one, enough to show the idea) that should be used in the script, d) what music or any additional effects can be used to emphasize the theme.
  4. Reference List - Appropriate citation of all copyrighted materials used in your proposal.  Sources must be all if not majority being books and journals.  Sources must also have been chosen for quality, not ease of access.
Violation of the reference list constitutes a failed paper.


Good luck

Saturday, January 24, 2015

POL 264 Groupings

2POL1, 2POL2, 2POL3

For, class secretaries, posting of group member names:


Group Number

[Surname, Firstname]

Group Number

[Surname, Firstname]

Group Number

[Surname, Firstname]

Group Number

[Surname, Firstname]

Group Number

[Surname, Firstname]

Friday, January 16, 2015

Les Miserables Essay Assignment (2POL3)


Alphabetical names per pair.
3-4 paragraphs, 3-4 sentences each.  Clear and direct sentences.
Only one idea that you will dicuss.  Proofs (quotes from songs) may span several songs.
Proofs must mention the singer and song title:  e.g. As sung by Cossette in A Heart Full of Love).


Sample Essay:

Castillo, Ronald

Political and social concept of the human condition of love as sacrifice.

Political and social concept of the human condition of the need to belong.

Every character in the novel/musicale are examples of being ‘Les Miserables’, the miserable or as mentioned in Do You Hear the People Sing – wretched.  As we watched the concert, I remember the words in philosophy: ‘the human condition’, and one particular condition that caught my attention was that of Eponine.  She loved and was loved in return only at the very last moment of life.

It was Aristotle who claimed human are political animals.  And this is so because people are social, and they need to properly interact with other people to survive.  In this respect, I also claim that every human being has the need to belong.  What perpetuates the ‘wretchedness’ of the community is that most people are too busy, care only for themselves, some do not really care while some are blind to the plight of others.

This human condition is symbolized by Eponine as she walked the streets of Paris singing On My Own.  The beginning of the song succinctly describes: “And now I’m all alone again… without a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello to.”  The song continues to narrate her unrequited love for Marius, but it also shows how a person can be all alone in a well-populated city.  And every individual faces personal problems that other people actually help alleviate if only they knew.

The same song also mentions the duality of hope (“and all though, I know that he is blind, still I say there’s a way for us”) and hopelessness (“without me, his world will go on turning”).  People live in the polis – a community – and yet people are not communitarian.  Eponine’s personal situation is a fiction of the novel, but the essence of the need to belong is a real condition of humanity.  The feeling of not belonging brings about dejection which can further weaken society.   

Les Miserables Essay Assignment (2POL2)


Alphabetical names per pair.
3-4 paragraphs, 3-4 sentences each.  Clear and direct sentences.
Only one idea that you will dicuss.  Proofs (quotes from songs) may span several songs.
Proofs must mention the singer and song title:  e.g. As sung by Cossette in A Heart Full of Love).


Sample Essay:

Castillo, Ronald

Political and social concept of the human condition of love as sacrifice.

Political and social concept of the human condition of the need to belong.

Every character in the novel/musicale are examples of being ‘Les Miserables’, the miserable or as mentioned in Do You Hear the People Sing – wretched.  As we watched the concert, I remember the words in philosophy: ‘the human condition’, and one particular condition that caught my attention was that of Eponine.  She loved and was loved in return only at the very last moment of life.

It was Aristotle who claimed human are political animals.  And this is so because people are social, and they need to properly interact with other people to survive.  In this respect, I also claim that every human being has the need to belong.  What perpetuates the ‘wretchedness’ of the community is that most people are too busy, care only for themselves, some do not really care while some are blind to the plight of others.

This human condition is symbolized by Eponine as she walked the streets of Paris singing On My Own.  The beginning of the song succinctly describes: “And now I’m all alone again… without a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello to.”  The song continues to narrate her unrequited love for Marius, but it also shows how a person can be all alone in a well-populated city.  And every individual faces personal problems that other people actually help alleviate if only they knew.

The same song also mentions the duality of hope (“and all though, I know that he is blind, still I say there’s a way for us”) and hopelessness (“without me, his world will go on turning”).  People live in the polis – a community – and yet people are not communitarian.  Eponine’s personal situation is a fiction of the novel, but the essence of the need to belong is a real condition of humanity.  The feeling of not belonging brings about dejection which can further weaken society.   

Les Miserables Essay Assingment (Rizal - 2POL1)


Alphabetical names per pair.
3-4 paragraphs, 3-4 sentences each.  Clear and direct sentences.
Only one idea that you will dicuss.  Proofs (quotes from songs) may span several songs.
Proofs must mention the singer and song title:  e.g. As sung by Cossette in A Heart Full of Love).


Sample Essay:

Castillo, Ronald

Political and social concept of the human condition of love as sacrifice.

Political and social concept of the human condition of the need to belong.

Every character in the novel/musicale are examples of being ‘Les Miserables’, the miserable or as mentioned in Do You Hear the People Sing – wretched.  As we watched the concert, I remember the words in philosophy: ‘the human condition’, and one particular condition that caught my attention was that of Eponine.  She loved and was loved in return only at the very last moment of life.

It was Aristotle who claimed human are political animals.  And this is so because people are social, and they need to properly interact with other people to survive.  In this respect, I also claim that every human being has the need to belong.  What perpetuates the ‘wretchedness’ of the community is that most people are too busy, care only for themselves, some do not really care while some are blind to the plight of others.

This human condition is symbolized by Eponine as she walked the streets of Paris singing On My Own.  The beginning of the song succinctly describes: “And now I’m all alone again… without a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello to.”  The song continues to narrate her unrequited love for Marius, but it also shows how a person can be all alone in a well-populated city.  And every individual faces personal problems that other people actually help alleviate if only they knew.

The same song also mentions the duality of hope (“and all though, I know that he is blind, still I say there’s a way for us”) and hopelessness (“without me, his world will go on turning”).  People live in the polis – a community – and yet people are not communitarian.  Eponine’s personal situation is a fiction of the novel, but the essence of the need to belong is a real condition of humanity.  The feeling of not belonging brings about dejection which can further weaken society.   

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Readings (Rizal))

Initial readings for POL 264

I'll be discussing on January 21, 2015.  The meeting after that, we start class discourse.  POl 264 is a political philosophy course, and as such, I encourage the class to be one discursive body, where students who are called to recite (as announced before, we start from the back row) stimulate a group critical discussion on the current topic.  Hence, students called to recite will propose and reason out (apologia) his or her ideas, in the form of arguments, on the topic.  Other classmates may volunteer to support (with their own apology) or critique (discuss a polemic) the idea.

Main Reading:  Civic Nationalism and the Nation State

Supplemental Reading: The Concept of Nationalism