
Saturday, October 12, 2013

1POL3 POL 201 Unlikely Finals Batch 2

  • Answer via the comments.  Begin with your name followed by PERMIT/PERMIT NUMBER (surname, first name: permit number).
  • Deadline of answers posting is at 5:15 p.m. October 12, 2013.
  • If a student is unable to access the net, a new set of questions will be available at 4:00 p.m. October 12, 2013.  New questions sets will get more difficult to discourage intended delays.  Those with no net access at this time have the time to further review.
  • Discuss intelligibly in 6-7 sentences. 
  • No evil genius.
  • Write in the jargon of the discipline. 
  • Follow detailed requirements in each item.
  • No copy pasted, verbatim from handout answers.  Provide YOUR OWN OBJECTIVE discussion.
Note: If I can read your minds as you guess during recitation and detect plagiarized works in your papers, don't you think it also applies here.

5 for manner of discussion, and 5  for content.

Range of points follows:
5 = impressive (no flaws, uncommon answer);  
4 = common answer with no flaws; 3 = most common / average answer with flaws;
2 = presence of several / essential flaws;
1 missed the point but showed knowledge of the topic;
0 = answer did not deal with the question/item/task (evil genius).


  1. If you were a political philosopher, narrate how you formulate a political philosophy.  Narrative must emphasis the essence of what makes political philosophy as different from political theory.
  2. As a political scientist, If you were going to study international relations between the Philippines and China, which perspective will you use? Justify your answer.  Justification must also include Political Institutions in the Philippines that will be involved in such a situation.


  1. Esmao, Francheska Lyssa: 664629

    1. Political Philosophy mainly deals more on qualitative items rather than quantitative ones, meaning it would look into a certain subject asking if it would be good or needed instead of explaining how certain items would works from observations. Political Philosophy would start with the question on how it would affect an individual's affective and evaluative orientation, say, the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines. A Political Philosopher would first think about how the bill may affect the lives of the masses in the state, as opposed to a Political Theorist would look into the number of early pregnancy cases in the country before the Reproductive Health Bill was passed, and the estimated number of people with the same cases after the passing and implementation of the bill. A Political Philosopher would then ask if it (in this case the Reproductive Health Bill) was needed, in the RH Bill's case, the Catholic church here has already established different family planning seminars for the citizens of the state and even give talks to students during retreats. A Political Theorist would, once again, stick to observation and look at data gathered through time. In the end, the Political Philosopher would decide on the bill after his careful deliberations on the bases of whether the bill was needed , and would it be good for the masses, the Political Theorist would decide after seeing all the data he has gathered from different situations.

    2. As a Political Scientist, my choice regarding the perspective on international relations would be Neorealism. Checking any structures that would affect the behavior of the Philippines and China would indeed help predict their behavior towards one another. An example of a structure would be Spratly Islands. Right now, different states are arguing over who has legal right over the small archipelago, including The Philippines and China, even the members of each countries executive and legislative departments are stating their opinions about the subject. It is currently safe to assume that the behavior of both states towards one another is greatly affected by the territorial dispute. For example, spotting different naval vessels of China roaming around the archipelago would either make the Chief executive of the Philippines have a public press conference about the issue, or order the military to send Philippine naval ships there. Whatever the Chief Executive of the Philippines decides, will also affect the behavior of China and vice versa.

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  3. Divina, Josemaria Alvaro A.: 664565

    1) If I would formulate a political philosophy, I would try to explain the norms and practices of political institutions and political actors that would govern how our government should be ran our politicians. I would try to discuss how our rules and institutions should be effective in prohibiting corruption and establishing norms of accountability and transparency in our government. More broadly, my political philosophy would try to explain and critique the social inequality that is happening in our country and find ways to give equal chances and opportunity for all people. The difference of this from a political theory is that a political theory is very rigid and necessitates empirical stud.ies that needs to be tested and verified over time to be an acceptable theory

    2) To study the international relations between Philippines and China, I will use neorealism as my chosen perspective. Taking into consideration recent events such as the dispute and stand-off in Scarborough Shoal, we could see the dominance of power politics and the pursuit of each self-interest of each country especially in terms of amassing territory. China, as an emerging superpower, is using its power in the form of military superiority and economic leverage to force its way and to bully the Philippines. The assumption that the international system is an anarchic one is also evident as China is ignoring legal means of dispute resolution (using international tribunals) and preventing ASEAN unity in resolving the issue. And since we are using neorealism, the political institutions involved would be the Coast Guard in ensuring the territorial sovereignty of the Philippines. The Arm Forces of the Philippines would also be involved through the procurement of advance defense technologies such as new combat ships and planes. And finally, the President of the Philippines, through the Department of Foreign Affairs, would be involved in making sure that we get international support, particularly the United States in protecting our borders and establishing close military relations.

    1. Version with typo error corrections:

      Divina, Josemaria Alvaro A.: 664565

      1) If I would formulate a political philosophy, I would try to explain the norms and practices of political institutions and political actors that would govern how our government should be ran by our politicians. I would try to discuss how our rules and institutions should be effective in prohibiting corruption and establishing norms of accountability and transparency in our government. More broadly, my political philosophy would try to explain and critique the social inequality that is happening in our country and find ways to give equal chances and opportunity for all people. The difference of this from a political theory is that a political theory is very rigid and necessitates empirical studies that needs to be tested and verified over time to be an acceptable theory

      2) To study the international relations between Philippines and China, I will use neorealism as my chosen perspective. Taking into consideration recent events such as the dispute and stand-off in Scarborough Shoal, we could see the dominance of power politics and the pursuit of each self-interest of each country especially in terms of amassing territory. China, as an emerging superpower, is using its power in the form of military superiority and economic leverage to force its way and to bully the Philippines. The assumption that the international system is an anarchic one is also evident as China is ignoring legal means of dispute resolution (using international tribunals) and preventing ASEAN unity in resolving the issue. And since we are using neorealism, the political institutions involved would be the Coast Guard in ensuring the territorial sovereignty of the Philippines. The Arm Forces of the Philippines would also be involved through the procurement of advance defense technologies such as new combat ships and planes. And finally, the President of the Philippines, through the Department of Foreign Affairs, would be involved in making sure that we get international support, particularly the United States in protecting our borders and establishing close military relations.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Felix, Dave Darrev V.

    1. I would have a democratic government with the practice of justice among people in order to have the peoples trust. It is because the government needs the people in order to have progress in the country. The leaders should posses wisdom and knowledge in governing. We need leaders that could do their best which i prefer to be positive and constructive. Another is a leader should knows how to approach its nation's problems. A leader should have a backround and a member of the society for the fullfillment of his/her people's dire needs.

    2. A background on the bilateral relationship of china and philippines which establishes cooperation, good neighborliness, mutual trust and benefits economically with each other. As political scientist, it is a pure injustice if power is used to step on other countries especially if they are more hegemonic over the weaker countries. Cooperation among all citizens in each country is needed for the peace to be established between two countries. With this, there can be a positive progress and a possible good alliance between the two. Which is a better idea than settling in things that can only not to destroy relationship with other countries but also limits its resources internationally.


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